Sccmj23 t1_j5qs9r4 wrote
My Dad passed away around a year and a half ago. I listened to the last few voicemail messages he had left me right after my sister called to tell me he was gone.
I wanted to save those messages so that I could listen to them again, but I was too emotional to go into my voicemail and save them or archive/back them up and they eventually got deleted.
All that to say.... I 1000000000000000000 percent agree with this post. Even if it's painful or difficult, save those messages! You will miss being able to listen to them once they're gone.
Sccmj23 t1_j5quav3 wrote
Reply to comment by WindowMoon in LPT never delete voicemails of loved ones, especially on holidays. by WindowMoon
That's true.
I'm just glad I listened to them at least once before they were lost. The last message was from just a few weeks prior to him passing away and he said he loved me at the end. I lost it as soon as I heard that because he had literally JUST passed away but I do wish I could listen to it again! ðŸ˜