
Schlubbyhead t1_iwupldh wrote

The article slightly touches upon this but hardly goes into detail shrugging it off, but Thomas’s bill in Council, the Driving Equality Bill, has made it so Police can no longer make a stop on a “maybe” without fear of repercussion from the DA’s office. If the plate, they suspect, is illegal, they must first know the plate is illegal to make the stop. It’s nearly impossible to check whether temporary plates are legal or not for PPD on the fly. This is unfairly reported in the story.

Society needs to change tune to, instead of hating Police, helping Police do their job better with the correct technology. At the very least, don’t advocate for policy which makes it nearly impossible to fix a pretty easy to fix issue, then write an entire piece wondering HoW tHiS hAPpENed like the Inquirer.

Shit, the City only had enough Tasers for less than 50% of Police. That means, other than a nightstick, the only means of protection Police carry was a gun until after Walter Wallace. That has since been exposed by media and addressed, but we still can’t get our shit together on that.

Give cops what they need to do their jobs, and stop advocating for policy which attempts to “fix” the criminal justice system but only makes things worse, and maybe we can not hear nearby gunshots every night.