
Schneider21 t1_j3fu4q4 wrote

This is why I get irritated when I hear people grouse (sorry, had to) about environmental impact studies being done on projects as small as a single drainage ditch.

"Is it really that big a deal they gotta spend all that money and time for one small ditch?" Yeah, bro! Our ecosystem is insanely complex, and the subtlest changes can have major, indirect, and potentially unforeseen impacts on any number of animals.

"Well nature kills off species all the time. Look at the dinosaurs." Uh, okay. I'd rather the species not go extinct myself, personally, because what else would this all be for otherwise. And even if we're not directly at risk now, think about the impact it could have on us in the very near future. Everyone who likes eating food should be super concerned about the bee population and ensuring we're doing everything we can to keep them going strong.