Schulle2105 t1_iyeajfr wrote
Reply to comment by EnigmaFilms in Anyone else make a bunch of saves in a game at a certain point? by EnigmaFilms
Yes to have the splitten ways after the central introduction
Schulle2105 t1_iydtjf3 wrote
I did it for more "open rpg's" but at least for the final fantasy games I can understand why at these points
Schulle2105 t1_iyd8c8e wrote
Reply to Dark Souls in a nutshell. by ChallengerKamika
I mean I ragequited the game a couple of times at least for ds2 but I never was capable to thrash my equipment
Schulle2105 t1_iycy71o wrote
Reply to What's your comfort game? by [deleted]
Binding of Isaac there are months where I don't play it at all but I just can't deinstall it as I know that is the moment where I need that game in my life
Schulle2105 t1_iycxf1n wrote
Reply to comment by Shinnyo in Do you thinks this will be canon in the next Mario film ? Shigeru Miyamoto won't answer my emails by Moto_Rouge
May it accompany you from now on,till the bitter end
Schulle2105 t1_iyctxqo wrote
Reply to Do you thinks this will be canon in the next Mario film ? Shigeru Miyamoto won't answer my emails by Moto_Rouge
Still better then this abomination
Schulle2105 t1_iycnxsd wrote
Reply to Game of the Year by King_Shurk
Personally Elden Ring,the problem I see with Ragnarok is just that it is barely 2 weeks on the market so the comparison is hard there would have prefered if it was just nominatable in the next one
Schulle2105 t1_iycjgbp wrote
Reply to comment by keythatismusty in If you could have a Call of Duty type of game where players are allowed to create, run, and mod their own servers, but there are no achievements/unlockables because of all the cheating in that regard, or we stick with the current system, what would you prefer? by keythatismusty
Well let people mod for a couple of months and see what is more interesting between a weaponskin and darts Vater as playable character
Schulle2105 t1_iycj292 wrote
Reply to comment by the_retarded_badger in wake the f* up Tarnished... by ArmorPenny
Burning down a tree
Schulle2105 t1_iycizm0 wrote
Reply to If you could have a Call of Duty type of game where players are allowed to create, run, and mod their own servers, but there are no achievements/unlockables because of all the cheating in that regard, or we stick with the current system, what would you prefer? by keythatismusty
Honestly what do you gain from archievments?I would prefer a modable variant and don't give a crap about the archievments
Schulle2105 t1_iyc9a49 wrote
Reply to comment by Xechorizo in The best Hotkey to open the inventory is e or tab(sometimes i) Change my mind by Exact-Replacement749
Holy shit didn't expect to meet you here satan
Schulle2105 t1_iyc8yzy wrote
Reply to Bob Odenkirk should have voiced Mario by Pogfruit
Nothing against Chris pratt but I also don't think he was the biggest fit the question is if they would have released it in an accent how we know mario how harsh would have been the repurcussions due to sterotypical racism,it was kind of lose=lose to begin with in that casting decision
Schulle2105 t1_iyc04cm wrote
Reply to Game suggestions by [deleted]
It is something completely different but maybe that is something positive did you try your hands on the persona franchise?It's over the top and vibrant so maybe it could help with the itch
Schulle2105 t1_iybuppg wrote
Access to the cheat console
Schulle2105 t1_iybtxm9 wrote
If you would have said it a couple years ago the pitchforks would have been raised in call for war seemingly we are all Hardenberg after atrocities like the flightsimulator
Schulle2105 t1_iybtd0i wrote
This is probably just because I was relatively young when I played it and it isn't even a horror game but for me it was vagrant Story something with the enemies and atmosphere felt dreadful for me as child
Schulle2105 OP t1_iy9x4p5 wrote
Reply to comment by NotYourAverageUN in Multiplayer games for 5 people by Schulle2105
Don't know if overwatch would be worth a try I think I am the only one ever playing it and that was godknows how many years ago for the moba we tried one together and that was enough
Schulle2105 OP t1_iy9wp1o wrote
Reply to comment by Personal_Cicada6583 in Multiplayer games for 5 people by Schulle2105
Bomberman like ones Sound the best from here for GTA online not that sure as I always heard that you can easily get gimped by more advanced player
Schulle2105 OP t1_iy9wbwc wrote
Reply to comment by Rasty_lv in Multiplayer games for 5 people by Schulle2105
Minecraft might actually be interesting as some might already have it for their children,is don't starke together for that many people?
Schulle2105 OP t1_iy7sznj wrote
Reply to comment by 6363tagoshi in Multiplayer games for 5 people by Schulle2105
Didn't really consider mmo's as I think we are way to infrequent to really utillize it but I give it a shot and ask my group it can't get cheaper then 0 bucks
Schulle2105 OP t1_iy7stcb wrote
Reply to comment by No-Alfalfa7691 in Multiplayer games for 5 people by Schulle2105
Will ask around thanks didn't mention it as I forgot we tried ark for a short time but literally everyone just complained and it was returned but maybe these find an audience thanks
Schulle2105 OP t1_iy7pp9o wrote
Reply to comment by tunedlow in Multiplayer games for 5 people by Schulle2105
Thanks will look at it
Schulle2105 t1_iy7pndz wrote
Nah there are a good amount of cheaper ones with some extra Buttons if that is what you want,but don't get a small 5 bucks one because they are mostly too small and long gamingsessions will get uncomfortable
Schulle2105 t1_iy4bjsn wrote
Reply to comment by Kev_volpe331 in Posting here cause r/steam isn't helping by [deleted]
Yeah that was the problem the games etc are acc bound not to the ip
Schulle2105 t1_iyezpvv wrote
Reply to God of war 2018, spider man remastered, or elden ring by ConnorCoolBeans3245
All 3 games are great but I think elden ring has the most playvalue,you could go for pvp or try completely different builds,so replaying would be the biggest difference