Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_je4sq7m wrote
Reply to comment by AmbitionOfPhilipJFry in New foxtrot is now in the air by Douseigh
>The police are productive.
It's not even 9 and this is without a doubt the dumbest shit I'll read on the internet today.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_jdtqzov wrote
Reply to My friend's cat went missing near Fells Point. Any information is appreciated. by cannedwings
If she gets picked up in the city she would go to BARCS, so that’s really the only shelter your friend needs to keep on top of. I’d post some signs around the neighborhood in case a neighbor picked her up and kept her. Your friend should look late at night (if it’s safe) and early in the morning, under cars and in other hiding spots. It’s not too cold fortunately. And definitely have them put some clothes, litter, and food outside. Maybe a cat bed if it’s not calling for rain. But scents that are familiar to home. I’m pretty far over by the park, but will keep my eyes peeled. Not that anyone is catching a cat that doesn’t want caught. Good luck to you and your friend, got my fingers crossed for you.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_jd5qwsp wrote
Reply to comment by Iivefreebehappy in Documents: Suspended Baltimore officer charged with illegally carrying gun, friend took drugs from car by Animanialmanac
It's not a zero sum game. Trust me, it's entirely possible to dislike the police and civilians that want to walk around armed.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_jc6nfme wrote
Reply to Moving to CA to Baltimore and we're having a tough time picking to either go for a suburb vs city life, any help? by GammaRadJockey
You know that scene in Coming to America where Eddie and Arsenio first pull up in Queens with all their luggage and stuff?
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_jaaa87x wrote
Reply to comment by roccoccoSafredi in Highway to nowhere and dirt bikes by brYzmz
If you’d have told 20 year old me I could ride a dirt bike wherever I wanted through a major city disobeying all traffic laws and suffer no consequences, well, I’d have taken you up on that offer. Because despite how I feel about them now, it certainly looks fun as shit. When people talk about the squeegee boys and finding them alternatives I get it. Not with the 12 o’clock boys, they need consequences.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_jaa9mxh wrote
Reply to comment by TheCaptainDamnIt in Highway to nowhere and dirt bikes by brYzmz
Just because the person riding it paid for it doesn’t mean the bike isn’t stolen. And sure, I’ll make an assumption on the who. I’ll assume the people who brazenly break the law by riding non street legal bikes through the heart of downtown in large groups right in front of police officers are more likely to be ok with stealing or receiving stolen property.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j9dfy5a wrote
Reply to comment by jabbadarth in Good Cuban sandwich in the city? by nationdecay
All the hipster Hampden dick riders on this sub act like anyplace cool kids went in their 20s is horrible. I went there after kickball and flag football at Riverside plenty of times, had a bunch of Cuban sandwiches to go with my Modelos, they were never bad.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j8izj1d wrote
Reply to comment by Fadedcamo in What's going on in Towson? by scartonbot
Edit: Misread your comment as your sister lives next to the bus stop. Do you not experience any of the issues I listed below?
Do you live next to a bus stop? I do. And while I understand the necessity of public transportation your sister is not wrong. The liter is one thing, I can blame that on them never emptying the cans. But you wouldn't need a map to follow the path of people from the bus stop, to the corner where the trappers work, to the alley where everyone blasts off. And while I understand the bus is not the root problem, that doesn't change the fact that they do invite an element of sketchiness. It's easy to call someone a NIMBY when you aren't rustling sleeping zombies off your stoop.
This was a reply to that specific comment, not an indictment on bus stops in Towson or public transportation in general.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j80yxdo wrote
Reply to comment by TheKingOfSiam in White Punks on Transit by [deleted]
As a fellow white man I have to ask, do you regularly feel discriminated against? You're allowed to come to the city, take my word for it. Everyone is always real nice to me, though I like to think that's based on my personality.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j3n9xxh wrote
Question: What specifically do you mean by "Baltimore native?" I feel like this could sort of be all over the place, was she born and raised in the city, move here after college, or what?
So the aquarium is awesome. As such it is probably the single most popular (non food non sports) attraction in the city. If she dates a lot there's a decent chance she's already been on a date to the aquarium. It could definitely be an eye-rolly suggestion. But then on the other hand there are probably girls who have lived in Baltimore their whole lives and never gone, possibly due to economic reasons, and they might really want to go.
With this, honestly, I'd just ask. It's not like you're both on the same footing and you're being wack not picking something, you're entering her area of expertise. Why not just say, "I'm not familiar with the city, I'm more than happy to pick a place but am worried it might seem like a lame touristy choice. Do you know any where cool to grab a drink or coffee?"
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j2zcdwg wrote
Reply to comment by B0skonovitch in Any opinions on who has the best pizza in Baltimore? by rowdeerob
F. Apologies.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j2yvgdh wrote
Some good answers in here and the previous thread. I’ll always shout out Franks Pizza on Harford Rd Belair Rd as the best typical faux Italian delivery/carry out pie in the city. This isn’t a fancy pub pizza, they have the exact same menu as every other faux Italian place. But their pizza is the best. And unlike some places, they are technically in the city.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1gjfv3 wrote
Reply to comment by TerranceBaggz in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
Sorry I was unclear.
I'm not really trying to argue, my original post was just saying the parklets don't get used this time of year. So now instead of people parking on Broadway in front of the businesses they are going to they park in the narrow neighborhood side streets. Which makes it harder for the people who live in those neighborhoods to find parking by their houses.
My second comment was pointing out that the spots on Broadway are metered, so they do bring in revenue. And that it's a commercial zone, so it's not a place people live. To circle it back around, you now have people parking in neighborhoods instead of in front of the businesses they are going to.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1esecg wrote
Reply to comment by TerranceBaggz in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
You have to pay to park on the spaces on Broadway? And it's a commercial zone.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1es8np wrote
Reply to comment by TerranceBaggz in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
That's awesome! Good on your friends.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1bllfv wrote
Reply to comment by ibrahimsafah in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
My issue with them is less the parking and more the driving. The ones outside Lee’s Pint and Shell for example extended so far into the road it made driving past an issue.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1ayxej wrote
Reply to comment by ibrahimsafah in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
What u/silentrhetoric said. Do you disagree?
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1ayqbk wrote
Reply to comment by SilentRhetoric in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
Thank you for saying that in a politer way than I would have.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1ac7cb wrote
Reply to comment by DONNIENARC0 in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
Correct. I am all for businesses having these as long as they pay for taking the public space. This all seems on the up and up to me.
They are all empty this time of year though.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j1a4ywn wrote
If the businesses want to pay for them by all means. I'd just say if you take a stroll down Broadway anytime between now and April you're going to see nothing but empty parklets where parking spaces used to be.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j16imgf wrote
Reply to comment by saltyjohnson in Wi-Fi at jury duty by Gullil
And it comes out to like $5 an hour!
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j16ifia wrote
Reply to comment by ChiselFish in Wi-Fi at jury duty by Gullil
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j16i2yd wrote
Reply to comment by okdiluted in Wi-Fi at jury duty by Gullil
Unless getting disqualified is the whole idea.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j0zaayl wrote
Reply to comment by DemonDeke in Sad State of The Block by Cute_Log4378
Baltimore jury duty; almost has you wanting to commit a felony.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_jeg9rgk wrote
Reply to Anyone know the best way to watch orioles games? by WarmSquare8969
In the year of our lord 2023 you are going to need either an actual cable subscription that carries MASN or an actual radio that can tune into 98 Rock. Truly shocking MLB hasn't captured the youth market.