
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_ixw97ux wrote

People probably thought the C was for City, not County. That was the case for me anyways. Thanks for correcting me, that’s how we learn.

So legit question, do you think the BPD does a good job? Because personally it seems to me that they quiet quit right around the time Mosby brought charges on the Freddie Gray officers. And for the amount of money they make, and the state of lawlessness in the city, that’s sort of a shame. I can’t count the amount of times I see multiple officers chilling in a parking lot, I rarely see them making so much as a traffic stop.

But maybe you have a different experience? If you actually think they’re effective and doing a good job I’d love to hear why?


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_ixovyut wrote

What the fuck is up with the BPD defenders on this post? I have no idea the context of this photo, but I could post 100 pictures a week of the BPD chilling in parking lots. That’s what they do. Pretty much exclusively. The MOTHER FUCKING crime rate is all the proof you need to know BPD is garbage.

If there was a rapist or gangs jumping people in the park, did they catch them?

Edit: BCPD to BPD after I was politely informed of my error.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iwld1mz wrote


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iwj0ano wrote

Not a thing has changed since I’ve started going there five years ago, it’s almost hard for me to imagine them changing ownership. It’s an old Asian lady everyone affectionately calls mom who pretends she doesn’t speak a lick of English, and her husband.

I always get a four piece chicken box with one of the fry varieties, and it never disappoints. Just deep fried wings, drum and flat still connecten, so really four wings is eight, and they have western, seasoned, and regular fries. Hot sauce packets for the chicken. The wings are always big and rarely broken. Still only $7-8.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iu7f8vp wrote

I feel like I either misread your "disproportionately influential" as "overrepresented" or at least that's how I replied to it. I apologize, rereading my post in the context isn't at all what I meant. I do not think Jews control the banking or media industry or anything like that. And Kanye is a clown, has been for a long long time.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iu7emh9 wrote

Thanks for sharing that.

I think my issue here was responding to the person who said, "this is not going to dissaude him from the racist opinion that the Jewish people are disproportionately influential in many areas of life." Obviously it seemed like I was disagreeing with that, I apologize, that was not my intent. Just because Jewish people might tend to work in a specific industry for whatever reason (possibly based in historic or current racism) doesn't mean they're disproportionately influential. I don't think Jews control the banking industry anymore than I think Hispanics control the landscaping industry. Apologies if I offended anyone.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iu4621l wrote

> Jewish people historically have not been able to own property, so they lent money, sold jewels, and this is as a community.

When in history did Jewish people stop being heavily involved in those industries?

I agree there are way more Christian people in powerful positions, personally I think they are overrepresented in government and plenty of other areas.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_it9b2wt wrote

If you mention an Atlas property on this sub it better be in the negative, or you’re gonna get downvoted. But there’s a reason they keep opening more restaurants. They appeal to somebody, and I suspect they aren’t exclusively patroned by conservatives who come to Baltimore City for dinner.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_it51qoa wrote

The first one I saw was two years ago and was completely mangy. It was in the parking lot back behind the new Wawa on Joppa, sort of near that secret path that connects it to the old Big Screen Store shopping center. They were doing some construction behind that business park at the time and I parked there to eat my lunch. I couldn’t even tell it was a coyote at first, looked so bad, I actually got out because I thought it was a hurt dog. Then I got a little closer and realized what I was looking at. Snapped a couple pics and then called animal control, who had already been notified. It scampered off back into the woods before anyone showed up though.

I figured that was a one of, dying animal leaving its normal area. But nope, same spot I saw a completely healthy guy scavenging some trash just a few months ago. North of Cromwell bridge all the way up to the reservoir is mostly wooded, so it’s not a big surprise. They do pretty well in the rural/suburb area like that, they aren’t too scared of people to my experience. It makes me worried though, coyotes got one of my sisters cats out in Michigan. Hopefully in this area nobody has outdoor cats anymore these days though.

And the beltway goes over Cromwell and Loch Raven, so they’d have no trouble at all getting south to the city from there.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_irou783 wrote

Where are you coming from that you encounter squeegee boys on the way to Scupper? Since that shooting they installed a permanent officer at the Conway-Light intersection and since then I can’t think of a route into Baltimore to the Scupper that passes a single squeegee intersection.

You should come back to the city, it’s not so bad. Or at least consider not badmouthing it on every random restaurant post, I mean come on, this isn’t even related.