
Scumandvillany t1_j76qt7b wrote

I've reported more than 5000 things to 311 since it started in 2013 or so. I had to change accounts more than once because their database wouldn't load my history properly and the app would crash or lock up.

Some of that was in bursts of hundreds at a time using notes from street investigation.

I am popular and my wife never tried to send me to Bellevue.


Scumandvillany t1_j71lm7s wrote

Weak ass vague "plan".

Any plan that does not acknowledge that addicts living on the street are a danger to themselves and their surroundings is a failure.

The only way forward is court ordered treatment and shelter.

At least she acknowledged the trauma and pain of the actual residents of Kensington and their children.



Scumandvillany t1_j6jymja wrote

Yeah, trust me when I tell you-you have not. The difference between the poconos and cherry springs is staggering. Big bend is the way the skies looked before and industrial civilization. It's somewhat disconcerting, actually. I've never been to the Catskills but the Adirondacks are class 2 skies like cherry springs. Don't think the Catskills have that rating.


Scumandvillany t1_j6ghhkz wrote

Cherry springs isn't 2/3 hrs but it's basically the only place to see the Milky Way this side of the Mississippi. Besides northern Maine and the Adirondacks. Class 2 night sky. Incredibly beautiful views. Honestly big bend NP(class 1-virtually zero light pollution)is worth it. The Milky Way can almost look like dawn when it rises. It's incredible.


Scumandvillany t1_j5zxkm5 wrote

My bill is already at 90$ easy for a family of four. The increase is to pay for people that can't or won't. I remember when you were able to look up how much people owed, it was kinda fucked up to see honestly. Like people just don't pay.

And I know there's economic hardships etc, and I think the city is doing a better job at reducing the outstanding bills, but there's a good percentage of people who can pay but just don't. Again, because there's no consequences.


Scumandvillany t1_j4grf0u wrote

It stems from the idea that objectivity in law enforcement is important these days. With the police being proven to be problematic in enforcement, from stop and frisk, to vehicle stops, the point is to move to an objective way to get where we want, which is safer streets, better traffic enforcement, and actually catching murderers and violent people.

The city should put up a network of a few thousand cameras. Minimum. The police already have 500 or so, and those should all be upgraded to MANDATORY 4K, while also adding to the network. This would enable real time tracking of suspects and much better intelligence for the cops to solve murders. Think about it, a few thousand shooters are simply walking about, free to roam. Murderers some, hyper violent all. Give the tools to prosecute more effectively, and redirect police to crime solving and simple patrol and responding to 911 calls by expanding the detective unit.

Civil liberties can be preserved by having a MANDATORY obligation to delete any footage not involved in a crime after a set period, like three weeks or so. Have a civil commission in charge of the release and use of the footage, with regular citizens on the board. Only be able to use the footage in specific crimes-violent ones.

At 10 thou a camera(and that's a lot), 20 million dollars rolls out two thousand cameras, all super high def for zooming etc. add in 5 million a year for enterprise cloud storage(leveraged by the bully pulpit and the city's franchise powers), and viola. we spent 150 million in the last budget for violence prevention, which indeterminate results.

Once you start actually locking murderers and shooters up em masse, the violent crimes will go down. It's not a huge swath of people who commit such crimes, it's a few thousands out of 1.6 million. Eventually you lock all the degenerates up and others will get the idea to not fuck around.

I'm not saying this idea is Christ come again, but it's a very simple idea and largely irrefutable. The fact is we are entering a new era of policing and we must find new ways to solve violent crime and enforce the law.

At the same time we can do violence prevention, jobs programs and jail reforms to help ex cons gain a true foothold after they leave a long sentence, while also reducing the amount of people going in for petty drug crimes etc. of course we need to look at the economic reasons as well, and focus on bettering our educational systems and creating opportunities for people to succeed at the same time as MANDATORY 4K. But MANDATORY 4K is about now.