
Select_Action_6065 t1_j23xfwr wrote

What a weird post.

In both versions of Freaky Friday (all body swap movies for that matter) they freak out.

In Big he freaks out and everyone who knows freaks out.

The Santa Clause he screams into the mirror when his beard grows back.

What more do you want? If they don’t move past it at some point there is no movie.


Select_Action_6065 t1_j1z2gqq wrote

I’m not so sure about that. Ketting went up to them after the play and seemed pretty shock by the dad’s reaction.

Even if he did that is irrelevant to OP’s concern. The fact that Neil felt the need to lie meant that he knew Ketting wouldn’t approve. Neil understood what the limits to Carpe Diem were as Ketting was teaching it.

And if Ketting DID know as you claim what should he do? Call Neil’s Dad? Then the same thing happens to Neil except now he feels betrayed by Ketting.