
SelectiveSanity t1_j8p4xko wrote

Funny thing, in Japan they have ways of banning criminals from playing golf.

I get the feeling if we started using a similar practice as punishment against corporations when they break the law, lobbying like this would quickly dry up. Like a golf course whose members barely break a six figure income.


SelectiveSanity t1_j7l6b1g wrote

>The Sunday Mail revealed via a whistleblower that diesel generators were used on 71 turbines in order to prevent them freezing during cold weather in December.
>Scottish Power told the publication that this took place after a fault developed on the grid.

Seems more like a proactive approach to stopping weather related problems out in the field and cutting the risk of costly maintenance then some low IQ anti green energy advocate's wet conspiracy fever dream come to life.


SelectiveSanity t1_j64u2rd wrote

You want to know where all this kids identifying themselves as cats started from?

If the students are in need of restroom during a lockdown due to an active shooter, protocol is that the teachers are to have a bucket of kitty little on hand if have the need to relieve themselves. Ironically, the school district that right wingers mistook this issue from and locked their culture war weapon sights on to blast at is the same one where Columbine High School is located.


SelectiveSanity t1_j5zk8gj wrote

No, Rumble is the icing on the cake. Lazerbeak and Ravage are the awesome marbled chocolate cake under it. Also I'm willing to bet when you bring up Rumble people are thinking of the spiking looking Decepticon from the movie who did transform into a boom box, and are unaware its actually Frenzy, who's in the original G1 series as a retool of Rumble.


SelectiveSanity t1_j5udndj wrote

I've actually contemplated the use of flogging as a viable alternative towards judicial punishment of minor crimes considering the ridiculous amount of time some people get sentenced for when being found guilty of them, provided the accused is given the choice of the two options of course. I mean who wants to spend 10+ years in cell just for doing something really dumb like stealing from a convenience store while being a dumb teenager when you could face a couple of lashes, spend a few months recovering from them and living with the shame of your actions while hopefully learning from your mistake and finding a way to get your life back on track. Is it really cruel and unusual given some long sentences are given out because of corporatism.

So what does this guy have to say-

>Freshman Sen. Dwayne San Nicolas is working on a bill that, if enacted into law, would allow “caning,” or whipping one’s buttocks with a piece of wood as an additional punishment for violent crimes such as rape, murder and armed robbery.

...where the fuck does this Krampus in a Santa skin suit think he lives?! Singapore!? He may be from and be a representative of Guam but its still a US territory last I checked and they still follow US Codes and Laws and as far I'm concerned dealing corporal punishment on top of a prison sentence falls under cruel and unusual. Because how long after they start implementing that do they begin considering using it a regular disciplinary measure?