SelectiveSanity t1_j8fm0ey wrote
Reply to comment by SmackEh in The US government says women’s underwear should cost more than men’s by TheTim
Keep in mind, government officials also thought that tampons were luxury items.
SelectiveSanity t1_j7lbj5r wrote
Reply to comment by Scrapple_Joe in ‘Environmental madness’: Scottish Power wind turbines hooked up to diesel generators by MostIncrediblee
So how do the ones in the artic keep working?
SelectiveSanity t1_j7l6b1g wrote
Reply to ‘Environmental madness’: Scottish Power wind turbines hooked up to diesel generators by MostIncrediblee
>The Sunday Mail revealed via a whistleblower that diesel generators were used on 71 turbines in order to prevent them freezing during cold weather in December.
>Scottish Power told the publication that this took place after a fault developed on the grid.
Seems more like a proactive approach to stopping weather related problems out in the field and cutting the risk of costly maintenance then some low IQ anti green energy advocate's wet conspiracy fever dream come to life.
SelectiveSanity t1_j7i0z37 wrote
Reply to comment by hypatiatextprotocol in AI Seinfeld banned on Twitch over transphobic jokes by asjonesy99
"Can I quote this in a dissertation?"
"Oh Lord, please do."
I like this Mr. O'Leary.
SelectiveSanity t1_j7hzsg5 wrote
Reply to comment by Salaried_Zebra in Indiana Senate passes bill to legalize throwing stars by Phlegmbrandt
SelectiveSanity t1_j747r5i wrote
As an American, would I be correct in saying this is like conservatives wasting tax payer money on a statue and ceremony to memorialize the contributions of a late senator from the Jim Crow era south, when all they were originally asking for was a fountain or bench?
SelectiveSanity t1_j72w9or wrote
Reply to comment by bonemonkey12 in Miami Police Department unveils new cruiser covered in images of Africa for Black History Month by stevejobs_rim
I was thinking replace their sirens with that one song by Toto.
SelectiveSanity t1_j6zh8jv wrote
Reply to Italian fugitive Edgardo Greco tracked down as pizza maker after 16 years by ItsNotKevinDurant35
He was said to have been caught red handed with a lot of dough.
Submitted by SelectiveSanity t3_10ru2i6 in nottheonion
SelectiveSanity t1_j6o1up5 wrote
Reply to comment by WeAreAllSnowLeopards in Pastor held on $750,000 bond facing drug charges by laineDdednaHdeR
SelectiveSanity t1_j6iohs2 wrote
Reply to comment by gstan003 in Visit Saudi to sponsor FIFA Women’s World Cup this summer by ampbap
Well, I mean it is FIFA.
SelectiveSanity t1_j6inznh wrote
"Yes and after the match stay for the immediate mass stoning of the harlots who went out in public with out so much as head scarf and played sports!"
-Saudi Arabia, probably.
SelectiveSanity t1_j67mgle wrote
Reply to comment by Heijoshinn in Florida Republican sends welcome grenades to fellow Congress members by cozzimo
Thats just silly.
We have about another month or so till easter and doubt these guys are Catholic priests.
SelectiveSanity t1_j65dvhw wrote
Reply to comment by ThePresidentsNipples in Florida Republican sends welcome grenades to fellow Congress members by cozzimo
Ask those militia idiots who took over that federal wild life station back in 2016.
SelectiveSanity t1_j65bc9f wrote
I wonder how they'd feel if Democrats started sending them welcome baskets filled with gay porn, massive dildos and gummy dicks?
SelectiveSanity t1_j64wz4y wrote
Reply to comment by Toxenkill in Rihanna’s ‘Umbrella’ Was Used As A Weapon Of Torture In Hell Claims A Michigan Priest Who Allegedly ‘Died’ For Some Time: “Demons Were Singing It” by Retloh
The pastor happens to be black.
That being said, I'm not saying he can't be racist against black people.
SelectiveSanity t1_j64u2rd wrote
Reply to False claims regarding student identifying as cat in Cork school reported to gardaí by mayoforsam2019
You want to know where all this kids identifying themselves as cats started from?
If the students are in need of restroom during a lockdown due to an active shooter, protocol is that the teachers are to have a bucket of kitty little on hand if have the need to relieve themselves. Ironically, the school district that right wingers mistook this issue from and locked their culture war weapon sights on to blast at is the same one where Columbine High School is located.
SelectiveSanity t1_j609awp wrote
Reply to comment by Individual_Grass_469 in 8 arrested in case linked to "Luffy" group robberies across Japan by TEPCO_PR
I'm pretty sure we don't have to worry about that as the weeabos and anime fans in Florida are part of the more sane side of its population.
SelectiveSanity t1_j5zk8gj wrote
Reply to comment by El_Deez in Can these rocks really power light bulbs? No, say the experts by koavf
No, Rumble is the icing on the cake. Lazerbeak and Ravage are the awesome marbled chocolate cake under it. Also I'm willing to bet when you bring up Rumble people are thinking of the spiking looking Decepticon from the movie who did transform into a boom box, and are unaware its actually Frenzy, who's in the original G1 series as a retool of Rumble.
SelectiveSanity t1_j5zceeu wrote
Reply to comment by El_Deez in Can these rocks really power light bulbs? No, say the experts by koavf
I mean, when you account for Barricade it does seem plausible.
SelectiveSanity t1_j5zaaim wrote
Reply to Hulk Hogan Tweets a Plea For Toilet Paper by nimobo
Behold, Macho Man Randy Savage's revenge!
SelectiveSanity t1_j5z8pu8 wrote
Reply to Erdogan's governing ally: "I remind Swedish government that Allah is one and his army is Turkish" by michele-x
Is he considering Lindsay Lohan part of his army or is she his ace in the hole?
SelectiveSanity t1_j5uxovd wrote
Reply to Pepper spray for the school run? The weaponised SUV set to terrify America’s streets by Maelarion
The perfect vehicle for guys like former EPA Chief Scott Pruitt.
SelectiveSanity t1_j5udndj wrote
I've actually contemplated the use of flogging as a viable alternative towards judicial punishment of minor crimes considering the ridiculous amount of time some people get sentenced for when being found guilty of them, provided the accused is given the choice of the two options of course. I mean who wants to spend 10+ years in cell just for doing something really dumb like stealing from a convenience store while being a dumb teenager when you could face a couple of lashes, spend a few months recovering from them and living with the shame of your actions while hopefully learning from your mistake and finding a way to get your life back on track. Is it really cruel and unusual given some long sentences are given out because of corporatism.
So what does this guy have to say-
>Freshman Sen. Dwayne San Nicolas is working on a bill that, if enacted into law, would allow “caning,” or whipping one’s buttocks with a piece of wood as an additional punishment for violent crimes such as rape, murder and armed robbery.
...where the fuck does this Krampus in a Santa skin suit think he lives?! Singapore!? He may be from and be a representative of Guam but its still a US territory last I checked and they still follow US Codes and Laws and as far I'm concerned dealing corporal punishment on top of a prison sentence falls under cruel and unusual. Because how long after they start implementing that do they begin considering using it a regular disciplinary measure?
SelectiveSanity t1_j8p4xko wrote
Reply to Utah lawmakers say more information on golf course water might lead to ‘uninformed’ conclusions by ghosr
Funny thing, in Japan they have ways of banning criminals from playing golf.
I get the feeling if we started using a similar practice as punishment against corporations when they break the law, lobbying like this would quickly dry up. Like a golf course whose members barely break a six figure income.