SerialPest t1_j1p74j7 wrote
Reply to comment by Baldmofo in [homemade] Christmas dinner with prime rib, roasted brussels sprouts, and roasted garlic potatoes by RedWingRob76
Not that expensive down under
SerialPest t1_j1p20n3 wrote
Reply to [homemade] Christmas dinner with prime rib, roasted brussels sprouts, and roasted garlic potatoes by RedWingRob76
To eat the fat or not eat the fat?
SerialPest t1_j1p81ti wrote
Reply to comment by Baldmofo in [homemade] Christmas dinner with prime rib, roasted brussels sprouts, and roasted garlic potatoes by RedWingRob76
It’s also foolish to put too much pure animal fat in your body. It keeps the meat tender whilst cooking but it doesn’t mean you have to eat it. I probably would though. I was merely asking OPs option. It’s a choice at the end of the day.