
SharpCookie232 t1_j8znsw8 wrote

Harvard Museum of Natural History is awesome!!! It's free to Massachusetts residents every Sunday morning (year-round) from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and on Wednesdays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (September through May). Proof of residency required. RISD museum in Providence (which is also awesome) is free on Sundays all day and Thurs / Fri after five - just go to their website and reserve a ticket before you go.

Also, if you have a ConnectorCare card or an EBT card, you can get in to many museums for a steep discount or for free.


SharpCookie232 t1_j8zf9e2 wrote

I feel like every other story on r/collapse is about how they're running out of water in the southwest and people are having to abandon their homes, and yet. . . people are still moving there. Weird.


SharpCookie232 t1_j8ywrpz wrote

Reply to comment by piggyazlea in A new place to call home by payter_m8r

I think OP might be in for a bit of an unpleasant surprise in regards to the lack of a teacher shortage here in MA. Also, with the ESSER funds running out, a lot of districts are cutting staff. But, as you've said, if he'she is in STEM, special education, or TESOL, he'she should be ok. That SEI course is intense.

OP, you should check MA DESE's website and start looking into whether your credentials will be accepted here before you start moving.


SharpCookie232 t1_j84lvop wrote

Your misinterpreting my post. It isn't "her religion" that's the issue - she could be an atheist and say "oh my God" seven thousand times a day herself outside of school. But in school, she has to make sure that the students are not offended and complaining to their parents when they get home that they were upset by this kid. Those parents are complaining to her, and possibly going over her head to the Principal and who knows who else. She is trying to provide a safe learning environment (i.e. keep the peace) for the greatest number of students. I can guarantee you that at least some of them are very religious and will be upset by "oh my God" (taking the Lord's name in vain). Being a teacher is very, very hard these days, OP should be mindful of that and encourage her kid to follow the class rules without making a huge fuss. Even if that family thinks it's silly, it will be an exercise in self-control and caring about others for him.


SharpCookie232 t1_j82b9uq wrote

The Whaling Museum is amazing and they are having the most incredible show of American landscape painters now. I'm heading down over Feb break myself. OP, if you go, be sure to hike Fort Taber park or do Allen's Pond in Dartmouth - both spectacular. Also, the Seamen's Bethel in New Bedford, which is right near the museum, and is mentioned extensively in Melville's Moby Dick.


SharpCookie232 t1_j81m309 wrote

It's disruptive if other children find it offensive. They may be complaining to their parents, who are then complaining to the teacher and/or the principal. She is trying to keep the peace and make the classroom a safe space for all. It's very difficult to enforce norms in a public school because families cannot agree amongst themselves what the norms are.


SharpCookie232 t1_j7skhqi wrote

I'm in a completely different part of MA, but our CVSs have the same troubles. In all fairness, CVS pays them a pittance, insurance coverage is almost impossible to understand (for them and for the insured), and we're still in multiple pandemics (RSV, COVID, flu) even though the government says it's all over and we need to get back to work. So it sucks, but I do feel for them. Maybe you could try mail order? Also, just want to note that with your dad's pills you could just cut them in half, right?


SharpCookie232 t1_j7bv345 wrote

He will need to be 5 to enter public K. You might have to do 2 years of Catholic preK and then switch to public K. I agree with the others that keeping him back (even if you could get a waiver, which you probably won't be able to get) is the right thing. Boys tend to struggle with self-control and executive function even when they make the cutoff age, being even younger would almost certainly not work out.


SharpCookie232 t1_j7bpjar wrote

The view from Wachusett is incredible. I wouldn't do it in winter, though. Plus if OP wants to get away from people, it's important to note that the other side of Wachusett is a ski resort. Some of the southern NH mountains are great in their own right, if not as famous as the Whites. Mount Major is a nice, semi-challenging hike. Please do be careful with the conditions, OP. A lot of people have been lost this season.