
Shelfrock77 t1_j3bantm wrote

I honestly think it’ll be late 2020s. I’m fairly healthy and young so i’m not thinking biased. Brainchips are going through a revolution right now. It wouldn’t surprise me if AI is able to make fast progress enough to arrive in the late 2020s. I’m a firm believer that we will have minduploading by 2030 along with fdvr. I see no good reason why fdvr and minduploading would be more than a year apart, if so, that is bad planning by the gov cause that would cause wide scale paranoia.

“How can the gov afford to give us fdvr but not minduploading? They must be hiding something ?” It’s only a matter of time before people start becoming sus questioning why it’s been 2 or more years of having fdvr but no minduploading. If you believe Klauss Schwab, you will own nothing and be happy no matter who you are.


Shelfrock77 t1_j2lxm89 wrote

detroit become human will happen whenever the porn industries kicks it in full gear. AI and porn is the deadly combo for humanity that will suck our souls into it. If I had to guess when the first “good” sex bot comes into the market, that’s when we will start putting clothes on them and having the AI do different services and what not. It’s funny too cause AI isn’t AI if there is no humanoid vessel and people for some reason like to separate the humanoid form of AI and “AI” inside a box.

“AGI 2024”, “AGI 2025”, “AGI 2027”

Me: Great, but when do you think we will get sex bots ?

“Mhmm not for another 10-20 years”



Shelfrock77 t1_j2kw9s0 wrote

I think once we have full dive vr, 99% of humans will be comfortable with the idea of death. That is one way the singularity will program humans, imagine going from “I’m going to die someday” to “Ik I’m going to die someday but atleast, I know where I’m going”. That’s what our brains neural networks will switch to in a sense, we will finally know we have a parachute no matter what happens. It doesn’t matter if you venture out to the stars and die in the wilderness or in a terrestrial civilization, you’ll just respawn in a data center somewhere on Earth. “Data is the new oil”. Our minds contain so much data which is why many bci companies are waiting though the FDA to allow drilling your skull for oi- data so it can feed intellect to its AGI system 100000X fold. Privacy will be an imaginary thing on a hypothetical level. A fairly large percentage of thoughts with all 5 senses are live streamed online 24/7. Ofc there will be bugs and glitches yet it won’t tax your joy because you’ll feel like you are on a perc with no comedown 24/7 thanks to biotech/bci. The colab of those two technologies will massage our brains to the point of us becoming the ultimate consumer whore. Editing aka reprogramming your brain will need to recquire fdvr to “train” you just like how we train LLMs but time tables will be different for everyone depending on hardware and software capabilities. FDVR will give you “muscle memory” on any task at hand, it’ll just be like AR to us with instructions laid out in a exceedingly simple fashion. All our genetic code is reprogrammable even if it’s in the brain. Ofc, AI could solve the puzzle and theoretically give you the body/brain you want. I know many people think they want to remain human but I honestly think most people won’t give a greater shit about their health once fdvr hits the streets especially knowing they are immortal and they can do “ANYTHING THEY WANT”. It’s going to make every current street drug feel worthless. People will be happier but it will seem like society is sleeping a lot more since they are sitting/lying down dreaming in the metaverse.


Shelfrock77 t1_j1wjcwf wrote

“By 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy”

We will be lucid dreaming in the metaverse. Automation will kill human labor and medicine will advance exponentially with the help of AI. The porn industry will make the detroit become human/cyberpunk 2077 concept a reality by putting exoskeletons inside sex dolls and GPT-4 computers inside their heads. The technological rapture is coming full speed ahead ! Can’t stop innovation ! The 4th industrial revolution is underway !


Shelfrock77 t1_j16cp3c wrote

I’m sorry but you are delusional if you genuinely think there are no chances of predatory barbaric aliens coming into contact with a human colony. That’s why it’s important to be minduploaded so if you do die out in space, you respawn back here at home.