
Shelfrock77 OP t1_itsad74 wrote

“Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream…”

dream, memory, simulation and reality all mean the same thing when it comes to AI building creations. The brain is nothing but a computer, every species has a brain of some sort even it’s smaller relative to our brains. You can go as small as an ant or even to plants cause they still have membranes. I think that brain scaling lineage never ends, it just keeps going smaller and smaller relative to our perceived size. Right now there are wars going on inside your body with viral membranes. Then we go to atoms and we literally feel the electromagnetic force of our electrons pushing away their electrons from literally anything in physics. I tend to believe in subatomic universe theory and that every atom has conscious “stored” in it with information and contains “universes” or to make it simple “parallel dimensions” full of life energy, frequencies and vibrations that are connected to every fabric that can be perceived by a computer given it has instruments to observe with.

Rick and Morty episode where Rick takes morty inside his car battery to reboot it via simulating their minds inside the car battery to interact with the consciousness inside the computer. They met another greenish alien humanoid named Zeep who was as smart as Rick and was able to make a car battery similar to Ricks to where it was power by yet another mini verse. Both Rick and Zeep then interact with Zeeps car battery and get stuck inside another world where an very intelligent alien ghost looking humanoid Kyle who later commits suicide from the realization that the “god” who created him was also created by another being who was also created from another being. That would be super intimidating ngl.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_itructr wrote

“According to a new paper in Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, these sights, smells, and glances are mere memories, even as I feel that they’re happening in real time. A team from Boston laid out a new theory of consciousness that inextricably ties it to memory.”

“In a nutshell: at its core, consciousness evolved as a memory system. It helps us remember the events of our lives—the whens, wheres, whats, and whos—which in turn can help us creatively and flexibly recombine them to predict or imagine alternative possibilities.

It gets more mind-bending. Rather than perceiving the world in real time, we’re actually experiencing a memory of that perception. That is, our unconscious minds filter and process the world under the hood, and often make split-second decisions. When we become aware of those perceptions and decisions—that is, once they’ve risen to the level of consciousness—we’re actually experiencing “memories of those unconscious decisions and actions,” the authors explained.”


Shelfrock77 OP t1_itp1e45 wrote

I honestly think it’ll happen before 10 years from the way progress is snowballing up. I think the way we will do it will have to involve a specialized brainchip although I could be wrong on that one, maybe just a needle and nanobots is all you need.

I have a dying question if you want to answer: Have you ever tried virtual reality and seen hallucinations while interfacing with the goggles? I heard some people see things on tv screens whether they have SZ or are on delirium drugs but I wonder if it also applies to virtual reality/augmented reality too.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_itok93v wrote

“researchers from the University of Copenhagen applied a new method to analyze neurons one by one in order to reveal hitherto unobtainable information about them.”

The researchers specifically studied post mortem brain tissue from adult patients with schizophrenia using control samples from non-schizophrenic brains.

"The human brain has very heterogenous tissue with hundreds of neuron types. We identified exactly those neurons that are most affected by schizophrenia, the position of these neurons in the human brain and what is wrong with these neurons. We see the genes that changed their expression and damaged the overall neuronal signaling, and even how potential neuronal networks are impaired," explains Konstantin Khodosevich

“The researchers discovered a network of neurons most affected by schizophrenia. In particular, they show that it is the upper layers of the prefrontal cortex, the region of the cortex which is involved in higher cognitive brain functions such as learning and memory and general cognition.”

“Our results suggest that for treatment of schizophrenia we should not target one type of neurons, but rather their overall network. Impacting this network or cell ensemble could help restore the impaired function of these neurons," says Konstantin Khodosevich.


Shelfrock77 t1_it4kvqo wrote

Reply to comment by haptiK in A primitive "holodeck" by Ezekiel_W

There is already retinal level VR and exceptionally real sound tracking in VR. We have 3 senses left and I am sure those last three senses will also be made of 1s and 0s too. This is exactly why I disagree with people who ignore AI is thinking exponentially. We are cooperating with AI on how we will fuse humans and machines together right now. AI would ultimately fail if we didn’t have enough energy so you may as well be with the other section of people who think AI isn’t coming for another 50 years.


Shelfrock77 t1_it1t53k wrote

The last of us universe, the fallout new vegas universe, dead space universe, alien isolation universe, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, stars wars universe, prop hunt lol, terrorist hunt, mike myers, 360 no-scope competitions, call of duty/battlefield universe, halo universe, destiny universe, WW1, WW2, red dead redemption, assassins creed universe, bioshock universe, dishonored universe, grand theft auto, outlast universe, jurassic park universe but more sci fi ish, samurai fighting, skyrim universe, my own personal buffet (for sentimental reasons), my strip club will float outside the orbit of my personal planet which will have many rings around it and a bunch of moons and planets very close to it. My own garden, my own zoo, my own bowling alley, my own studio, my own stadium, my own art room for when i’m tripping hard on modded augmented reality hallucinogens.

There is a lot more obviously but this is all I can empty out rn. I’m gon be doing a lot of fucking in these universes too😂