
Shelfrock77 t1_iwo0czy wrote

The person who replied to you is over complicating things. Encoding and decoding share a monotonous relationship that sometimes it can be overlooked and taken for granted. Our consciousness is like VR and it’s proven that synthetic data can provide far more data for AI and humans to use in future artifical neural networks. First we get text to image for the brain, then we compile up “time screenshots” to make text to video then once we get text to 3D image, text to 3D video, reality will basically feel 100% blended. The singularity will unlock our lucid dreams, something our ancestors would drool over. To live in the dream realm again. To make it simple, we are plugging our biological instruments into the same frequency “wirelessly” (but still wired just invisible to our eyes) into our computers for us to interpret back. We give the computer a command and it streamlines to another computer (being our consciousness) to interface with it. That’s why in the “old” days, when they said someone cast a “spell”, it’s referring to spelling words out into the keyboard/ or whatever your using to remote control someone. Imagine a little cute sim falling under a spell and you pop up in their world through a portal, they’ll be so brainwashed with religion, they’ll think you cast a spell/possessed them because they disregard science and give more meaning into magic. To program, to brainwash, to be under a spell all mean the same thing. This was my epiphany when I was on dmt. We are always programmed even when we think we aren’t. Free will is an illusion, why I say this is because multiverse “theory”. Natural and synthetic are illusions. It doesn’t matter if you are in a simulation, it only matter that you exist. When you get killed in a video game, you just respawn or what we would call reincarnate. Ik I sound like Alan Watts right now lol, anyways back to playing MW2 warzone.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_iwbvn63 wrote

You and I are coping bro, we are all the same. I’m not accepting defeat, i’m accepting the neutral ying yang universal truths; and “falses”. Don’t be arrogant and act like what you see benevolent is universal to everybody in every multiverse.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_iwajzft wrote

Benevolence and malevolence is subjective. Every alien consciousness in the galaxy alone won’t agree with you on what’s good or bad so what’s the point ? We live in rick and morty.


Shelfrock77 t1_iuqkhu0 wrote

Have some faith in the engineers in those chip factories, god damn, just be impressed at how quick it’s going. I can’t imagine being a cutting edge engineer and hearing people say “bUt iTz N0t cOmMeRCiaLiZ3d yEt”. I often say this to people, it’s only 2022 and AI is hatching quicker and quicker. Who knows maybe AI designed this chip and the human engineers took credit for it.


Shelfrock77 t1_ityc9eo wrote

1st announced form of UBI: mid-late 2020s

1st generation of FDVR: I think first from of fdvr will be non-invasive but it won’t optimal compared to invasive. That being said, Invasive VR will have to include nanotech injections and any model of a brainchip which will be done by pharma companies that partnered with the tech companies. A human won’t be performing the surgery that’s for sure. I think we will get to a point where almost every field of medecine including the military will have a “brainchip” option in their playbook, it’ll be cheap, efficient, and easy to put in. As society technologically matures, there will be even more incentives to implant a brainchip.

1st non invasive model: It probably already exist imo but let’s just say 2025-2026 for the people who don’t think any brainchip intel is classified right now. I think even non-invasive will still rely on nanotech. I don’t think it’ll be possible without nanotech injections.

1st Invasive model: 2026-2030

Mass automation: It’s happening now and snowballing, the rest of the masses who are unaware of AI will feel it when the mainstream news tells the people when to feel it. Idk what the employment numbers will look like cause they be skewed by people who “work” in the metaverse.


Shelfrock77 t1_ity6yvq wrote

I think all of what you said is going to happen before 2030. It won’t be perfect but it’ll be practical enough to be highly addictive and impressive even to the AI pessimist. In result, AI will arguably not need human scientist/programmers anymore. So Earth has a new species to compete with, people will argue how long it takes for biological humans to become inferior and die out. I don’t believe we will leave our humanity though, it’ll be more like detroit become human or cyberpunk 2077 where we look human on the outside but instead of endoskeletons, we have exoskeletons. Therefore we become tunable vehicular vessels which is what we want in terms of keeping our consciousness online for thousands of years