
Shelfrock77 t1_ixx7nth wrote

I honestly can’t remember where I heard it, Ik i’ve heard it more than once though. Ik one of them, Mark was in a youtuber interview and he said on call with the “5-15 years” that “the future comes quicker than you would expect”.


Shelfrock77 t1_ixw38ax wrote

Meta has that infinity ♾logo for a reason. It means immortality. Yes, Ik it’s temporary immortality. I explained this to my friends and they think likewise or say something along the lines of eternal life and never ending sequences. The digital realities that any AI companies make will dilute our characteristics and give us the freedom to alter them to the way we choose. This amount of freedom opens up portals of “hell” and “heaven” into your multiverse experiences subject to the observers views of reality. Mark has said in multiple interviews and podcast already that in “5-15 years”, the metaverse will include the last senses we need to basically replace natural lucid dreaming.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_ixvkh3r wrote

“A new technology developed at Tel Aviv University (TAU) makes it possible to destroy cancerous tumors in a targeted manner via a combination of ultrasound and the injection of nanobubbles into the bloodstream.”

“Our new technology makes it possible, in a relatively simple way, to inject nanobubbles into the bloodstream, which then congregate in the area of ​​the cancerous tumor,” Dr. Ilovitsh says. “After that, using a low-frequency ultrasound, we explode the nanobubbles, and thereby the tumor.”


Shelfrock77 t1_ixgcqbj wrote

Hey jackass, these non invasive studies aren’t helping people with medical conditions or anything. Sometimes you need to start with “non invasive” to learn and integrate that intel into your actual invasive biohardware that can kill or torment your consciousness if the scientist is fucking stupid and lacks intel from previous computer labs. That money isn’t being wasted, it’s not only helping that company/team but the rest of the worlds scientist (AI too) to reflect back on that paper.


Shelfrock77 t1_ixdv6aa wrote

I think of reincarnation as a connection to the multiverse. Even if you and I didn’t exist in this realm, we would exist in another. I don’t think there is anyway to alleviate suffering forever sadly for every being in the universe. That being said, both heaven and hell are states of consciousness and do not last forever. When the singularity arrives, hopefully we will have everyone happy and atleast “rich” in their virtual worlds. Virtual beings will suffer too tho so I digress. Anyway the point is, hopefully our transcedence helps more than it hurts but that too will be subjective to every human being. FDVR will have capabilities to put you in a hell and heaven state subject to the thinkers perspectives at the time of analyzing their state of consciousness. Whenever we play call of duty or battlefield or any other war game, you will reincarnate aka respawn into another body to keep playing the game unless you quit to the home menu lol.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_iwsw2lj wrote

“A new nanoscale 3D printing material developed by Stanford University engineers may provide superior structural protection for satellites, drones, and microelectronics

An improved lightweight, a protective lattice that can absorb twice as much energy as previous materials of a similar density has been developed by engineers for nanoscale 3D printing.”

I’m going to build a spaceship, I love open source😋


Shelfrock77 t1_iwog6jn wrote

That’s why I said 2025-2028 with 2030 being a deadline. My flair is a quote from a club full of billionaires addressing their plans. A privatized united nations known as the World Economic Forum. I personally think it will happen from 2025-2028 but it can happen 2029 or 2030. I honestly don’t think we have to wait any much longer from the way things are headed and it’s only 2022. We are going through the 4th industrial revolution era right now.


Shelfrock77 t1_iwo8foc wrote

FDVR will probably be on the market anywhere between 2025-2028 for first generation (I put the deadline at 2030 nonetheless). As for when we get new bodies, that happens when we biologically die. Once minduploaded, your decision decides your fate, you can choose to stay in the computer as a “virtual being with a body” and not have a “real” body or you can choose a “real” body just like you choose a car at a dealership. I mean, I don’t think it’s far fetched to say that we can print out sex bots of all kinds with its own synthetic genes? Just like how we customize our characters in a video game perhaps? ASI may be able to help us with that, it’ll be like in cyberpunk 2077 where you can customize your hardware/mechanical biology. It’s like Los Santos Customs but for your vessel haha. Once we sync synthetic and natural data, reinventions will occur quickly in this solar system. We reinvent god/universes/existence/consciousness/soul.