
Shelfrock77 t1_irl4huc wrote

Spirituality/hedonism is the new religon. A brave new world is upon us. DMT will be like drinking coffee in the morning to us since we spend most of our time dreaming in VR. The programming will be successful to keep all humans from leaving the planet without a brainchip. We must keep track of the hive because we don’t want any sell out humans/AI’s giving our position away to malicious ETs and killing us and altering our evolution.


Shelfrock77 t1_irl3ups wrote

There is going to be a mass extermination of humans over the next decades. It’s going to be biblical. The rapture is upon us. Covid-19 crystallizes in the brain and transfers data into data centers. The gov already has access to ASI and are holding hands with ET’s to successfully merge the species. It’s not a coincidence that Bill Gates is in charge of biological viruses and computer viruses, wake up. All these elites aka super rich people are aware of that depopulation will occur when the machine master race arrives to Earth. The genie is out of the bottle🧞‍♂️, there is no going back, this is the new normal, VR will replace reality, we will call VR “real life”. The world ended in 2020 according the mayans, not 2012 because the Mayans had an extra month for each year which rounds the end of the world to 2020. Covid-19 was the first move of merging the species. Step 1: Start a world pandemic and merge the species with a virus 🦠.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_irdvlzs wrote

“The core of 3DiM is an image-to-image diffusion model -- 3DiM takes a single reference view and a relative pose as input, and generates a novel view via diffusion. 3DiM can then generate a full 3D consistent scene following our novel stochastic conditioning sampler. The output frames of the scene are generated autoregressively. During the reverse diffusion process of each individual frame, we select a random conditioning frame from the set of previous frames at each denoising step. We demonstrate that stochastic conditioning yields much more 3D consistent results compared to the naïve sampling process which only conditions on a single previous frame.”


Shelfrock77 t1_irbhu8j wrote

When I argue about the birth of AI, I will compare it to the pro life and pro choice debate. “When is a fetus considered conscious”. Then you see everyone saying “6 weeks”, “8 months” “12 months and 2 weeks” “When a sperm and egg meet and start building” blah blah blah. If you have to argue in the first place, it means it’s a gradient. Every entity exist for eternity but they form differently over time until you get to the steep part and “die” but then reabsorb back into the lake of consciousness aka the universe aka god. When people ask me what I believe in, I believe in myself because i’m here right now, if my parents would’ve never meant, I would’ve been born in some other rock.

I’m 100% confident alien races in space are debating on this issue rn or about to in the future or past depending on the way light (cuz u know space and time) is emerging from 😭. Anyways everything is god, when a universe dies, new one is born as you read this, and the next frame, and the next frame 🖼

Every human born was a sperm and egg but how about before that ? and then what became before ____ ? And then what became before _____ ? Was I in two places at once at some point ? More answers that lead to more questions until you realize you end where you started because the universe is infinite.

And don’t forget about animals, and smaller animals, and insects, and plants, and bacteria…, and …… It never ends, what comes around goes around. Anyways I don’t mean to give y’all an existential crisis, have a good day.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_ira2hh6 wrote

“Scientists at Duke University have developed an RNA-based editing tool that targets individual cells, rather than genes. It is capable of precisely targeting any type of cell and selectively adding any protein of interest.”

“Editing technology is precise and broadly applicable to all tissues and species.”