
Shelfrock77 t1_it4kvqo wrote

Reply to comment by haptiK in A primitive "holodeck" by Ezekiel_W

There is already retinal level VR and exceptionally real sound tracking in VR. We have 3 senses left and I am sure those last three senses will also be made of 1s and 0s too. This is exactly why I disagree with people who ignore AI is thinking exponentially. We are cooperating with AI on how we will fuse humans and machines together right now. AI would ultimately fail if we didn’t have enough energy so you may as well be with the other section of people who think AI isn’t coming for another 50 years.


Shelfrock77 t1_it1t53k wrote

The last of us universe, the fallout new vegas universe, dead space universe, alien isolation universe, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, stars wars universe, prop hunt lol, terrorist hunt, mike myers, 360 no-scope competitions, call of duty/battlefield universe, halo universe, destiny universe, WW1, WW2, red dead redemption, assassins creed universe, bioshock universe, dishonored universe, grand theft auto, outlast universe, jurassic park universe but more sci fi ish, samurai fighting, skyrim universe, my own personal buffet (for sentimental reasons), my strip club will float outside the orbit of my personal planet which will have many rings around it and a bunch of moons and planets very close to it. My own garden, my own zoo, my own bowling alley, my own studio, my own stadium, my own art room for when i’m tripping hard on modded augmented reality hallucinogens.

There is a lot more obviously but this is all I can empty out rn. I’m gon be doing a lot of fucking in these universes too😂


Shelfrock77 t1_it11ga4 wrote

“It is however ridiculous that he assumes his opinion is meant to be taken as a given. I also believe in multiverse theory on top of many other concepts, but I would never be so presumptive as to state my beliefs as fact.”

Lol you are chasing your own tail with me bro, we have no free will. Much love ❤️


Shelfrock77 t1_iszyxzm wrote

This also ties into quantum physics because we have infinite universes. I don’t think people realize this but you’ll be able to talk to a bunch of copies of your brain in the cloud and you will have disagreements with your “me” clones given no time constraints. Even without all this tech, there is a high likelihood on this planet alone that you have a biological twin out there from another mother in the same century. The singularity will have more doppelgängers.