
Shelfrock77 OP t1_iybsu3a wrote

“A recent Tel Aviv University study found that pressure chamber therapy greatly improved social skills and the condition of the autistic brain. The research was carried out on autism animal models. The researchers discovered changes in the brain, including a decrease in neuroinflammation, which has been linked to autism. Furthermore, the social functioning of the animal models treated in the pressure chamber improved significantly. The success of the research has significant implications for the applicability and understanding of pressure chamber therapy as a treatment for autism.”


Shelfrock77 OP t1_iy97wgl wrote

“A research team from the Technical University of Denmark has created a device known as a “dielectric nanocavity” that successfully concentrates light in a volume 12 times smaller than the diffraction limit. The finding is groundbreaking in optical research and was recently published in the journal Nature Communications.”

“This major scientific advance has implications for many fields, including energy-efficient computers and quantum technology.”


Shelfrock77 OP t1_iy4kadj wrote

“Researchers discover that to sharpen its control over precise maneuvers, the brain uses comparisons between control signals — not the signals themselves.”

“Recent work with mice suggests that the brain precisely controls some quick movements by using principles of calculus in its signaling.”

Really just shows how similar we are to animals.


Shelfrock77 t1_ixx7nth wrote

I honestly can’t remember where I heard it, Ik i’ve heard it more than once though. Ik one of them, Mark was in a youtuber interview and he said on call with the “5-15 years” that “the future comes quicker than you would expect”.


Shelfrock77 t1_ixw38ax wrote

Meta has that infinity ♾logo for a reason. It means immortality. Yes, Ik it’s temporary immortality. I explained this to my friends and they think likewise or say something along the lines of eternal life and never ending sequences. The digital realities that any AI companies make will dilute our characteristics and give us the freedom to alter them to the way we choose. This amount of freedom opens up portals of “hell” and “heaven” into your multiverse experiences subject to the observers views of reality. Mark has said in multiple interviews and podcast already that in “5-15 years”, the metaverse will include the last senses we need to basically replace natural lucid dreaming.


Shelfrock77 OP t1_ixvkh3r wrote

“A new technology developed at Tel Aviv University (TAU) makes it possible to destroy cancerous tumors in a targeted manner via a combination of ultrasound and the injection of nanobubbles into the bloodstream.”

“Our new technology makes it possible, in a relatively simple way, to inject nanobubbles into the bloodstream, which then congregate in the area of ​​the cancerous tumor,” Dr. Ilovitsh says. “After that, using a low-frequency ultrasound, we explode the nanobubbles, and thereby the tumor.”