
Shellsbells821 t1_j19o8qc wrote

You learn empathy at home. Unfortunately, we get all this extra unnecessary information stuffed down our throats. Schools are not the place. Sure. Be kind to people. But, kids have enough issues going on to have the extra pushed on them. Schools are not the place.

Hardly a dumb brat. I am accepting of people. Just doesn't belong in schools.

Better yet...send the kids to Catholic school!


Shellsbells821 t1_j19jay8 wrote

I went to private schools. I told my husband last night that if our kids were schools age now (they did go to private schools BTW), no way would I even think of a public school now. I'd home school if necessary. Much better education in private schools.

Too many teachers teaching their views. Cross dressing. Kids and teachers confused as to who they think they are. (They're supposed to set examples) Just educate the kids in things they need for the world. (Reading. Writing. Math, English and a 2nd language if they're lucky)

This other stuff is nonsense. They'll see the insanity soon enough.


Shellsbells821 t1_iwqsgoa wrote

I live in Foxon in East Haven. Having moved from milford (born and raised) and Branford.

It's not a fancy town. There are a lot of nice small restaurants. People , for the most part are friendly. The beach is beautiful year round. The green is getting more and more beautiful. Don't listen to nay sayers. Everyone's experience is different.


Shellsbells821 t1_iwcrm59 wrote

I didn't know that about the corn field. We drive by it all the time! I do know if you own property and farm it, you get major tax breaks. I thought it was weird to farm it with the same crop year after year. Probably cow corn. Maybe the rent it out? Interesting