ShexyBaish6351 t1_j4mz98l wrote
This would be more appropriately titled “Empty Sky.”
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j44sl9o wrote
Composite, I presume?
Cuz every time I point my camera at a moonrise at sunset, the sun is more or less directly behind me. Here, the sun somehow is at about a 90 degree angle to the moon.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j3xpeqg wrote
Reply to El Rio Farde, Spain. IG is @inutopia if you'd like to see some more, thanks! [3707x4604] [OC] by Inutopian
Ah, you went with the orange/teal color grading. Bold choice.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j3mbgfa wrote
Reply to Virgin falls [oc] [2861x4405] by sloppydog14
I demand more vignette.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j2lis29 wrote
Reply to comment by fh3131 in Superstition Mountains, Arizona [OC] [4032x3024] by CoolJKT
I wouldn’t say this is the Superstitions’ most flattering angle.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j2jb5za wrote
Reply to comment by AKStafford in Hoodoos at Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona [OC, Michael Kwok] (4032x2268) by CommonLurker2
I’m guessing many people were there last year.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j29n9qc wrote
I was on here saying it was fake, and I was very confident in my judgment. I've since deleted those comments. Knowing that photo was taken near Centerville, Washington on Oct 10 at 1:09 PM, we can determine the angle of the sun was at 37 degrees. Any rainbow formed at that time would have been a low rainbow, with the top of said rainbow only extended about 5 degrees above the horizon.
It's real, and now I feel like a big, stupid bully. Sorry, OP.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j1uq4ih wrote
Reply to comment by thebraddestbrad in Morning light, clouds, and the moon in Jasper, Alberta [OC] [3247x4927] by thebraddestbrad
Yep, impossible to get a detailed moon and a well-exposed foreground shot at the same time. I'll take a blown-out, properly sized real moon over a super-sized, highly detailed fake moon any day of the week.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j1uiiht wrote
I’m upvoting this in appreciation of a photo of a moon on this thread that isn’t a ridiculously fake Photoshopped moon. Thank you, OP. Thank you.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j1q8d74 wrote
Reply to comment by mawagner1 in Acadia National Park [OC]{3559X3901} by mawagner1
I’m sure it was, but what did the sky actually look like?
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j1q7cui wrote
True, there are lots of leaves here, but it’s the flowers you wanted to highlight, yes? Flowers aren’t foliage.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j1oz1fy wrote
Reply to Acadia National Park [OC]{3559X3901} by mawagner1
Composite, yes?
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j1ejxlc wrote
Reply to Narcissistic tendencies moderate the association between testosterone levels and generosity in men by chrisdh79
As a former research scientist who published a few articles in the same journal (Hormones and Behavior), I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this is a spurious correlation. I wouldn't buy it until this is replicated by another researcher.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j19uqdv wrote
Reply to comment by Cerebus55 in Sunrise and Moonset over the South Patagonia Icefield, Patagonia, Argentina, [OC][4000 x 2761] by wanderlosttravel
Also Photoshopped. That helps a lot with the "magic."
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j17lrj4 wrote
Reply to comment by wanderlosttravel in Sunrise and Moonset over the South Patagonia Icefield, Patagonia, Argentina, [OC][4000 x 2761] by wanderlosttravel
Also, only full moons set at sunrise. So this moon is in the wrong phase AND in the wrong orientation with regard to the sun. It’s really distracting, tbh.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j08869p wrote
Reply to October morning in Arches N.P., with the La Sals looming in the distance [OC] [5532 × 3614] by Chipotle42
Man, that haze! It is super windy?
ShexyBaish6351 t1_izzlcva wrote
Excellent work.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_iyn6u91 wrote
Oh, you go some really lovely morning light for that one! Nice work.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_iy3hkl2 wrote
Reply to 30% of cancer contents on social media are unproven info. Some cancer patients use unproven alternative or supplementary treatments without consulting medical professionals, which leads to delaying or rejecting existing treatments, sharply reducing their survival possibilities. by Wagamaga
I’m ok with this. If you trust the YouTube videos your cousin shares on Facebook over medical professionals, then by all means… you do you, you f—-ing nincompoop.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_ixkh4l5 wrote
Reply to comment by Arcadius274 in In the Heat of the Short-Term Moment: Evidence that Heightened Sexual Arousal Increases Short-Term Mating Motivation Among Men by i_have_thick_loads
This was very likely part of a much larger study, but they had the data to test these hypotheses, so they did. Happens all the time in the social science. You have TONS of data from a big study, so you think about the hypotheses that you could test with the data set you have, so you do that and write up the results to be published.
I find that 99% of people who question scientific funding have literally no idea how any of it works. But that’s people for you.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_ixfwypd wrote
Reply to In the Heat of the Short-Term Moment: Evidence that Heightened Sexual Arousal Increases Short-Term Mating Motivation Among Men by i_have_thick_loads
For those who think this means “horny guys wants sex,” consider for a moment that maybe scientists aren’t as worthless as you think. There’s quite a body of research on what factors influence men and women’s interest in short-term mating opportunities (e.g., one night stands) as opposed to committed, long-term relationships.
Believe it or not, not all men in all situations seek a quick bang. Often, they’d like an actual long-term companion and invest a LOT of time and resources into pursuing that to the exclusion of short-term partners.
What this study says is that regardless of personality characteristics, relationship status, etc., sexual arousal sort of pushes everything else to the side, and even men who tend to be committed and uninterested in a one night stand shift their strategies/interest to short-term mating.
Might you have predicted this? Probably. Were there reason to doubt it? Actually, yes. There were. Men aren’t just straight up f%^#ing machines. They actually have other motivations. But this study clarified the matter.
And that’s what science is - testing hypotheses, even those everyone thinks are obvious, so that evidence actually exists to support ideas.
This is science. That’s how it works.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j4mztje wrote
Reply to comment by Additional_Candle_86 in Sun hitting peaks in the Alps [1334x777] [OC] by Additional_Candle_86
Yes. I see that bottom 15%. I also see 85% empty sky.