Shiningc OP t1_jczn6ic wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
>Get educated
Where does that say anything about biological neural networks being probabilistic?
Also contradicting your claims:
>The connections between neurons in the brain are much more complex than those of the artificial neurons used in the connectionist neural computing models of artificial neural networks.
>Of course we can. 1 and 0 are both part of the probability cloud.
And how would being in probability solve mathematical problems?
Shiningc OP t1_jczizc4 wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
Biologists haven't said anything about how human neural networks work.
That's like saying all mathematical problems can somehow be solved with statistics and probabilities. And that's just sheer nonsense.
Shiningc OP t1_jczhs46 wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
How do you know how human neural networks work? And why would a branch of mathematics somehow branch into other areas of intelligence?
Shiningc OP t1_jczadnh wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
>Which task specifically do you think LLM cant do?
Anything that requires more than statistics and probabilities. Are you claiming that all intelligence is somehow rooted in statistics and probabilities?
Shiningc OP t1_jcz9fsm wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
>And you think this is the end of the line? With in-context learning already working?
Doesn't matter, they're just statistics and probabilities. It won't somehow evolve into general intelligence.
Shiningc OP t1_jcyz7lo wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
>Just like anything else.
Except for human intelligence, which is clearly not static.
>Exactly. So clearly you can make an AGI without knowing how it works also.
If you want to program it, then no.
Shiningc OP t1_jcym1qo wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
It's static because it's just statistics and probabilities.
>This is obviously not true, since your mother made you, and she knows nothing about AGI.
I don't see what your point is. My mother doesn't know anything about how human intelligence works.
Submitted by Shiningc t3_11wj2l1 in Futurology
Shiningc t1_jb70324 wrote
Reply to comment by Sweetcakea313 in Safari on iPhone by Sweetcakea313
It could be issues with RAM, contact Apple.
Shiningc t1_jb2m93m wrote
Reply to comment by Notinyourbushes in What's an underrated genre that many people don't even know about? by Mandasiaa
Mainstream Japanese music is ridiculously sanitized. It’s probably used as a means of social control.
Shiningc t1_jaft25p wrote
Reply to Bereft of love: Japanese people have lost 'romantic ability' leading to low birth, marriage rates, says politician by Dark_Delusion
Watching too much anime and hentai will do that to you.
Shiningc t1_ja74ios wrote
Reply to comment by winterized-dingo in This women's room has a urinal by PM_ME_ALL_UR_KARMA
That’s kinda weird. Even if you went in with a young boy you can still use the seated toilet. If you can do the piss on a standing toilet then you should just go to the mens bathroom.
Shiningc t1_ja1aygf wrote
No one claims that AirPods are the best, they just work well with Apple devices.
Shiningc t1_j9sn45h wrote
Reply to Close less frequently used apps ? by richdotnet
You don't usually need to close apps, but sometimes there's a glitch where it keeps running in the background.
iOS permits apps to be run in the background for up to 10 minutes. No app can run in the background for more than 10 minutes (unless for something like playing music).
Shiningc t1_j9pbdyg wrote
Reply to Best Screen Protectors? by Mundane408
I like Torras
Shiningc t1_j9d9cf2 wrote
Reply to Are some people immune to HIV? by Lass_OM
The HIV bypasses the human immune system by hiding inside and attacking the T-helper cells. The T-helper cells are responsible for activating the other cells such as the Natural Killer cells to fight and attack against an infection.
It seems like the CCR5 delta 32 mutation disables the CCR5 receptor on the surface of white blood cells/T-helper cells. The HIV uses this CCR5 receptor to latch onto the T-helper cells and get into it.
People with these genes are immune to HIV because the HIV can't latch onto the white blood cells/T-helper cells.
The current traditional vaccines don't work against HIV because vaccines are about making the T-helper cells activate the other cells to fight against the infection. The HIV goes straight to the T-helper cells. Without the T-helper cells, the immune system is compromised and the body is completely helpless against infections.
Things like the bone marrow transplants work because the bone marrow creates the blood cells like the T-helper cells (without the CCR5 receptor).
Shiningc t1_j8w4vz4 wrote
Reply to Why do modern phones overheat? by [deleted]
It's likely due to higher brightness of the screen of newer phones.
Shiningc t1_j8w4u2b wrote
Reply to comment by Super-Perfect-Cell in Why do modern phones overheat? by [deleted]
You need to stop being so sensitive about Apple products. calm down.
Shiningc t1_j88b3es wrote
Reply to comment by Corsair4 in Will AI accelerate or enable the treatment or cure of developmental conditions/psychiatric disorders in this decade? by thedogbreathvariatio
Can you actually read? I said "Science is about coming up with theories and explanations." after that sentence. Obviously I included the "problem" part in its meaning.
Shiningc t1_j888v3a wrote
Reply to comment by Corsair4 in Will AI accelerate or enable the treatment or cure of developmental conditions/psychiatric disorders in this decade? by thedogbreathvariatio
Obviously I said "science is about gathering data and doing measurements". Science is about coming up with theories and explanations. Otherwise you might just have a bunch of garbage data and measurements that don't help with anything.
Shiningc t1_j887yd7 wrote
Reply to comment by Corsair4 in Will AI accelerate or enable the treatment or cure of developmental conditions/psychiatric disorders in this decade? by thedogbreathvariatio
Because just collecting data doesn't allow us to find causal connections, or "explanations" for that data. The data just might be a bunch of garbage data.
We need explanations or theories to know what data is relevant in the first place.
Shiningc t1_j8865h9 wrote
Reply to comment by Corsair4 in Will AI accelerate or enable the treatment or cure of developmental conditions/psychiatric disorders in this decade? by thedogbreathvariatio
a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation:
economic theory
scientific theory
Darwin's theory of evolution
something suggested as a reasonable explanation for facts, a condition, or an event, esp. a systematic or scientific explanation:
Darwin's theory of evolution doesn't have any data or basis in data. It's an explanation of data.
Shiningc t1_j840umv wrote
Reply to comment by Corsair4 in Will AI accelerate or enable the treatment or cure of developmental conditions/psychiatric disorders in this decade? by thedogbreathvariatio
Yes, it is tested by data, but in no way that a theory contains any data. Nor is it based on any data.
>You have a dangerous, fundamental misunderstanding of science.
Speak for yourself. You are making contradictions because if a theory contained any data, then it ceases to be a theory.
Shiningc t1_j83unok wrote
Reply to comment by Corsair4 in Will AI accelerate or enable the treatment or cure of developmental conditions/psychiatric disorders in this decade? by thedogbreathvariatio
And what does that exactly have to do with “data”? If you go all the way down then science started with myths and legends. We thought maybe the earth was flat, maybe the earth was round, etc.
There is not a single scientific theory that contains “data”, because if it did, then by definition it stops being a theory and it just becomes data.
Of course, we test a theory by data, but the theory itself is not data.
Shiningc OP t1_jczq1ad wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in The difference between AI and AGI by Shiningc
>100% of the time, 1+1 =2.
That makes no sense. 1+1=2 is not a probability.
Probability says there's a 50% chance that 1+1=2 or 1+1=3.
But you need to come up with a non-probabilistic solution in the first place.