ShittyDuckFace t1_ja2szp8 wrote
Reply to comment by KidAstoria in NYC council votes to name street after antisemitic Nation of Islam leader by drpvn
You'd be surprised at the antisemitic vein of leftist ideology. But it's there - eg. People who think they're being anti-Zionist but are in fact antisemitic, or pride parades that ban the Star of David (Jewish symbol) because it's "Israel's symbol"
I'm left myself, but I rarely if ever mention I'm Jewish to other lefties in case I am "oNe oF tHe BaD oNeS"
ShittyDuckFace t1_ja2si37 wrote
Reply to comment by 69Jew420 in NYC council votes to name street after antisemitic Nation of Islam leader by drpvn
Also basically saying, "all Jews are white and can just blend in with the rest of us white people"
ShittyDuckFace t1_j1sgpc3 wrote
Reply to comment by dilletaunty in Logged forest compared with an unlogged forest could be better for climate change. A detailed assessment of vegetation growth, bird and mammal numbers, and energy flows in logged and unlogged forests offers some surprising findings. by Creative_soja
Yeah, that's what I was trying to get at but I don't know what research has been done by logging companies, so I didn't want to say anything definite.
ShittyDuckFace t1_j1r9ja2 wrote
Reply to comment by dilletaunty in Logged forest compared with an unlogged forest could be better for climate change. A detailed assessment of vegetation growth, bird and mammal numbers, and energy flows in logged and unlogged forests offers some surprising findings. by Creative_soja
Agreed. In addition, I also wonder if some research on logging, similar to milk, are funded by people who are interested in a specific result.
But at the end of the day, logging - like milk - is about research-based management and moderation.
ShittyDuckFace t1_ja3ohv8 wrote
Reply to comment by casanovaelrey in NYC council votes to name street after antisemitic Nation of Islam leader by drpvn
>I do want to caution against the motion that anyone who isn't a Jew that's anti-Zionism, is somehow antisemitic
Oh no worries I'm fully aware of this. What gives me caution is my own previous experiences with people who aren't aware of how these thoughts morph, and my own personal conversations that I've had with friends who have said anti-Zionist sentiments without realizing that they're teetering on antisemitism and don't realize that they're not fully aware of the whole situation - which makes sense, since we're halfway around the world from Israel! And as a person who doesn't have any ties to Israel, it's understandable that this comes from ignorance and not maliciousness.
I would caution you about the rise of NoI and BHI sentiments however...These sorts of talking points have been cycling around for decades now and even within liberal circles. I had a really sad conversation a few weeks back where my friend essentially wanted me to 'prove that I'm the real Jew', whatever that means. These talking points I would argue are unaligned with political beliefs, making them more dangerous.