Shmeepsheep t1_j2jalc2 wrote
Reply to comment by SeriousPuppet in Water pipe robots could stop billions of litres leaking by Sariel007
That's really not that much water if you've ever worked around utilities. It's about the equivalent of a half inch copper line.
From a quick googling a residential sprinkler system uses between 12-30 gallons per minute. So about half of what it takes to run a sprinkler system
Shmeepsheep t1_j2j9n9n wrote
Reply to comment by DHFranklin in Water pipe robots could stop billions of litres leaking by Sariel007
I do love stupid articles like this. They make it seem like it's something innovative yet it's been around for a long time already. And I especially agree with it needing to be tethered to get pulled. The wifi one get stuck in a pipe, you just leaving your $25000 camera down there? No, now you need to send people in just to recover it before it causes a back up
Shmeepsheep t1_j2b301f wrote
Reply to comment by AcornWoodpecker in What shower caulk to fill a wide (1/2") gap by climbtigerfrog
Plumbers putty will dry up and crack away of used to fill that gap, won't provide a water tight surface, and would take a lot to fill that. Backer rod would be the appropriate backing for silicone, not caulk
Shmeepsheep t1_j2jgyk7 wrote
Reply to comment by SeriousPuppet in Water pipe robots could stop billions of litres leaking by Sariel007
The farther you get from the source the lower the pressure will be. A home only really needs like 40psi to operate correctly and many times has 100+psi that needs to be reduced because of this.
Also a small leak is not going to noticeably drop water pressure in a 6" main