Shreddersaurusrex t1_j26hnbf wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Private guards hired by MTA arrested for NYC subway beatdown by 1600hazenstreet
Ppl with bikes and large items often use it
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j26hht4 wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in Private guards hired by MTA arrested for NYC subway beatdown by 1600hazenstreet
$20 billion in potential fares missed out on!
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j26hg30 wrote
Reply to comment by Rottimer in Private guards hired by MTA arrested for NYC subway beatdown by 1600hazenstreet
Janno Lieber is so sickening to see on the news 🙄🙄🙄
The funniest part was him suggesting a redesign of turnstiles/emergency gates for the sake of fare revenue.
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j26h5qb wrote
They pay $1 million a month for security and day it’s led to a $100k uptick in fares… 🤔
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j1zg37i wrote
Reply to comment by Les923 in NYCHA residents without heat, hot water on Christmas weekend by 1600hazenstreet
People just have poor manners & behavior. Smoking in lobbies & stairwells vs their own apts. Peeing in elevators. Makes no sense.
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j1xxd9v wrote
Reply to comment by simeonbachos in MTA surpasses 1 billion subway riders in 2022, a first in Covid era by geoxol
On the Polo Grounds
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j1xxclu wrote
Reply to comment by oyoshimaru in MTA surpasses 1 billion subway riders in 2022, a first in Covid era by geoxol
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j1um08k wrote
Reply to comment by therealowlman in High utility charges could derail MTA’s $1.1B electric bus transition by PichuLovy
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j1t7fq2 wrote
Reply to comment by therealowlman in High utility charges could derail MTA’s $1.1B electric bus transition by PichuLovy
West Village is a nightmare
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j1t7969 wrote
Reply to comment by Normanzzzz in NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just laughed so loud
Someone just got Shinobi slashed on the LES this weekend.
Also heard shots fired and the a car peeling out last night.
There is a song by a rapper named Uncle Murda called “Summertime shootouts though.
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j1ex7oj wrote
Reply to comment by fman84 in Interstellar movie —- Has anyone calculated how long did Cooper feel he lived in the space ? If there was a clock with calendar attached to his jacket , how much time would that watch show by the time he would have been retrieved ? by tejaskhetani
Just changed my lifeview with a single comment
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j0ueh0x wrote
Reply to comment by spicytoastaficionado in Bruce wasn’t bluffing: Truck depot opening at scuttled housing site by drpvn
The museum would have been unnecessary. Schomburg is about 10 blocks south.
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j0uean2 wrote
Reply to comment by leg_day in Bruce wasn’t bluffing: Truck depot opening at scuttled housing site by drpvn
Federal law prevents it
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j0j7n11 wrote
Reply to comment by shamam in Which Virus Is It This Time? New Yorkers Are Sick of Being Sick. by WVOQuineMegaFan
But muh freedum
Shreddersaurusrex t1_izpbdtl wrote
Reply to comment by TonyzTone in Pickleball players banned from NYC park after turf war with kids by habichuelacondulce
Shreddersaurusrex t1_izjw9jv wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in Pickleball players banned from NYC park after turf war with kids by habichuelacondulce
Now it happens with people getting permits to play. Used to play soccer at Riverside Park and we’d have to find a spot to play where there wasn’t some sort of kids league or adults in intramural type sports.
Shreddersaurusrex t1_iyzbcf8 wrote
Reply to Airbnb likely to lose more than 10K listings in NYC under tight new rules by NecessaryMistake9754
This is the way
Shreddersaurusrex t1_iyoy2cl wrote
Reply to comment by thebruns in MTA Flags Contractor Errors, Adds Two More Years to Subway Signal Work Forecast by ToffeeFever
Bonuses were a gimmick. An extra 30 cents? What good is that when booth staff don’t want to combine the assorted values from different cards?
Shreddersaurusrex t1_iyf08h2 wrote
Reply to comment by kiki778668574757 in Long COVID Symptoms Most Common Among Latinos and Residents of The Bronx by Lilyo
Se pone vicks
Shreddersaurusrex t1_iwth1n8 wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Federal Monitor Who Watches Over Rikers Island Has Made $18 million from NYC Taxpayers...and counting by mattkatz00
Shreddersaurusrex t1_iw9i1iy wrote
Yeah sometimes the OMNY readers don’t acknowledge transfers at train stations that should have them
Shreddersaurusrex t1_ivihhjl wrote
Reply to comment by EmeraldFalcon89 in Put some signs to discourage heavy gas mopeds on the bridges and protected bike lanes by CroustiBat
Motorcycle users have entered the chat
Shreddersaurusrex t1_ivgahog wrote
Shreddersaurusrex t1_ivfcq1l wrote
Reply to comment by EmeraldFalcon89 in Put some signs to discourage heavy gas mopeds on the bridges and protected bike lanes by CroustiBat
Tunnels too
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j26huyy wrote
Reply to comment by Mustard_on_tap in Why New York State Insists That the Penn Station Area Is ‘Blighted’ by mowotlarx
Ripley has entered the chat