Sieventer OP t1_izx9nob wrote
Reply to comment by Ziggote in Exponential improvement in 6 months of AI in image generation ft. Ronald McDonald by Sieventer
I used the tools I show there. Crayon, Dall-E2, and two different versions of MidJourney.
And this is not exclusively about prompting, I mean... no matter how hard you try to make the best prompt with Crayon, you're not going to get even 1% of MidJourney v4 quality.
Sieventer OP t1_izvtr0d wrote
Reply to comment by varkarrus in Exponential improvement in 6 months of AI in image generation ft. Ronald McDonald by Sieventer
It is somewhat curious but yes, it is the least detailed but at the same time the most faithful to the original design
Sieventer OP t1_izv862r wrote
Reply to comment by cuyler72 in Exponential improvement in 6 months of AI in image generation ft. Ronald McDonald by Sieventer
Sieventer OP t1_izutb0f wrote
Reply to comment by User1539 in Exponential improvement in 6 months of AI in image generation ft. Ronald McDonald by Sieventer
Will it be as exponentional as pic generation?
Sieventer OP t1_iztznwf wrote
Reply to Exponential improvement in 6 months of AI in image generation ft. Ronald McDonald by Sieventer
Dreamflix release date?
Submitted by Sieventer t3_zj8inu in singularity
Sieventer t1_izsvd7y wrote
Reply to comment by the-sun-is-gone in What do you think of all the recent very vocal detractors of AI generated art? by razorbeamz
Honestly, I wish I'd able to respond to all your arguments. But you have made such a massive text that it is a very arduous task to have to answer one by one.
I would like to chat with you about this, but in a more interactive way, because reading such a great book is hard to digest
Sieventer OP t1_izs7n64 wrote
Reply to comment by fingin in This subreddit has a pretty serious anti-capitalist bias by Sieventer
Yes, there is a cooperation between large companies and the government. That is undeniable; but ultimately this is caused by the extreme power that the government has.
Sieventer OP t1_izqqb7u wrote
Reply to comment by fingin in This subreddit has a pretty serious anti-capitalist bias by Sieventer
Politicians have a monopoly on violence.
Sieventer OP t1_izq5o9l wrote
Reply to comment by throwawaydthrowawayd in This subreddit has a pretty serious anti-capitalist bias by Sieventer
You will find very interesting things.
Sieventer OP t1_izpw83u wrote
Reply to comment by ryusan8989 in This subreddit has a pretty serious anti-capitalist bias by Sieventer
With this comment we could close the discussion.
Sieventer OP t1_izpufz6 wrote
Reply to comment by threeeyesthreeminds in This subreddit has a pretty serious anti-capitalist bias by Sieventer
That sounds very dogmatic.
Sieventer OP t1_izpmh27 wrote
Reply to comment by SharpCartographer831 in This subreddit has a pretty serious anti-capitalist bias by Sieventer
I agree. Sure, capitalism can be painful, but the process of automation will bring about metaformosis by inertia towards complete freedom. It should not be forced before its time.
If capitalism has brought us to this point, let it continue to flow. It is important to emphasize that the most cutting-edge AI technologies have occurred in capitalist countries, not socialist ones. Socialist politicians have had no incentive to create that technology, the market has.
So wait a little! 9 to 5 will end. But as you said, with the necessary evil.
Submitted by Sieventer t3_zi4s1x in singularity
Sieventer t1_izd1i6y wrote
Reply to comment by deltaback in What do you think of all the recent very vocal detractors of AI generated art? by razorbeamz
The physical ability to create a piece is merely one aspect of artistic production. Another important skill is the capacity for creative thought; it can be viewed as a sort of art in and of itself. So it's not a crazy idea in my opinion.
Sieventer t1_izb840r wrote
Reply to comment by the-sun-is-gone in What do you think of all the recent very vocal detractors of AI generated art? by razorbeamz
Mr. the-sun-is-gone, basically they are scared of losing their source of income. Here we are all going to lose our jobs, not just artists. But thanks to that, we will be freed from slavery.
They are very comfortable with their meritocracy receiving $100 for each drawing. But they should not cry, the world has to move forward, they will not obstruct it.
EDIT: Also I add, this opens doors to many people who are artists 'mentally' but don't have the ability. I myself have created wonderful liminal scenarios thanks to AI. And no one has stolen anything.
The artists' process is "to steal" too, they are ALWAYS based on something else, someone else. No ones creates something from 0.
Sieventer t1_iyqyvy8 wrote
Reply to GPT3 is just Google Search with a fancy UI by [deleted]
It is true that it lacks the ability to reason/opinionate in general. Although it is true that they have limited it quite a bit, for 'safety' purposes.
Although I have to tell you that prompts engineering is quite important when it comes to getting more or less complex answers. At least nowdays with ChatGPT.
Sieventer OP t1_iyqry1q wrote
Reply to comment by camdoodlebop in Clip Studio gives up under pressure by Sieventer
That's true, Twitter has a controlling power that is disproportionate to the number of users it really is.
Sieventer OP t1_iyo3xsd wrote
Reply to Clip Studio gives up under pressure by Sieventer
There's a lot of hate on the part of the artists with the AI. They want to keep charging $90 for a drawing that takes 5 weeks to deliver.
Submitted by Sieventer t3_zaxhtl in singularity
Sieventer t1_iyml6lj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What Happens When Everyone Realises We Can Live Much Longer? We May Find Out As Soon As 2025 by Shelfrock77
2037 post ASI?
Sieventer t1_iy8qz1d wrote
Sieventer t1_iy8nt6b wrote
Reply to comment by FezNt in Why is VR and AR developing so slowly? by Neurogence
Basically we need cloud gaming in VR.
Sieventer t1_iy2l8hl wrote
Reply to comment by modestLife1 in 2002 vs 2012 vs 2022 | how has technology changed? by Phoenix5869
How old are you? I'm technically young, but then I think about future generations... and I feel like an old man. I'm afraid of being on the brink of immortality and not making it, because by the time transhumanism and aging cures come along, I will be at a dangerous age. In the meantime, others will be in their twenties and will have plenty to spare...
Sieventer t1_izy1hqk wrote
Reply to Character ai is blowing my mind by LevelWriting
It's cool but it can make up a lot of things, incoherent things. It depends on how you can use it.