Sik_Facadian t1_ispazrd wrote
Reply to comment by KonnichiwaAmigos in Hey! I’m David, one of the cat dads from the movie Cat Daddies. I got to take my cat down the red carpet for the theatrical debut this weekend! AMA! by KonnichiwaAmigos
I can do that. :) and I know; I just wanted to give treats to your kitteh ;) you’re a good dude. Tbh thanks for the replies
Sik_Facadian t1_ispafum wrote
Reply to comment by KonnichiwaAmigos in Hey! I’m David, one of the cat dads from the movie Cat Daddies. I got to take my cat down the red carpet for the theatrical debut this weekend! AMA! by KonnichiwaAmigos
Do you have a P O Box is can send some treats to? :D
Sik_Facadian t1_isoigty wrote
Reply to Hey! I’m David, one of the cat dads from the movie Cat Daddies. I got to take my cat down the red carpet for the theatrical debut this weekend! AMA! by KonnichiwaAmigos
You are an unusual individual, I hope you relish that. :) ok so; two questions. What’s kitteh’s favorite treats, and how hard was it to get him there without dying?
Sik_Facadian t1_ispd59m wrote
Reply to comment by KonnichiwaAmigos in Hey! I’m David, one of the cat dads from the movie Cat Daddies. I got to take my cat down the red carpet for the theatrical debut this weekend! AMA! by KonnichiwaAmigos
Cats are amazing creatures and they are highly underestimated. My Wally (legally Wally West The Fastest Cat Alive) and I can speak and I know his meows and he knows what I say well enough for us to communicate fairly well. They are more than pets :)