SilenceDooDooGood t1_iyevznb wrote
Reply to comment by lickedTators in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
You don't know to what extent non-nyc residents are up or down voting things, that's impossible to determine. I'd be all for vetting residents, as someone has challenged my residency simply bc they don't like my views. It'd be nice, but it will likely never happen.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iyduj9h wrote
Reply to comment by FrankFriendo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
Nah, but I do happen to care about vulnerable people, on both side of the issue. I guess you don't :( sad times, frankie no care about other people, only fake caring about homeless mentally ill people without actually getting them any help, oo la la.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydozgz wrote
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydnfvv wrote
Reply to comment by viksra in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
Crime posts should be moved back to the main. No one even got to vote on this 'experiment' before it was implemented... i.e., it doesn't matter what any of us think, you mods have already made up your minds. I don't even know why you're asking for feedback, frankly.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydmxxv wrote
Reply to comment by TwoCats_OneMan in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
Agreed. Thats democracy. Problem is, not many people actually like that.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydmv08 wrote
Reply to comment by FrankFriendo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
And people who don't take the subway regularly and haven't been in a pharmacy in months (where everything is now locked up) love to deny the reality of the city's problems.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydmb7c wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
You can't force the horse to drink.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydfsd2 wrote
Reply to comment by MillennialNightmare in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
You cannot undermine crime as the main concern. It's exactly why Garcia did fall short. That's the point. Crime was the #1 issue people were voting on.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydezvl wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
These people have never once knocked on a door in NYCHA, for example, and have never talked to lifetime residents of low income neighborhoods. Trust that the law abiding folks in those communities want to feel safe.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydemv4 wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
They don't have one. Before the election it was "You will all disappear after the election, and so will these posts". Now that they haven't we're 'brigading'. Talk about bad faith arguments, smh.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iydeest wrote
Reply to comment by Remarkable_Salary556 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
We are aware you prefer to have everything in one place you can ignore.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iyde47k wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
"No no, only the thing I don't like have an agenda behind them."
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix5a2tr wrote
Reply to comment by SilenceDooDooGood in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
"OMG 30 priors - who could've seen this coming!?!"
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix59xwu wrote
Reply to comment by SilenceDooDooGood in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
People downvoting this joke: lighten up. Its a joke. He is Jewish and had a Nazi arm band. That is *unusual*.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4wjea wrote
Reply to comment by j3ychen in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
I do feel like it is a problem, so I'll move on to the next question...
>If you do feel crime is a major problem in NY, what do you think the solution is? Or what can ordinary NYers do?
The solution is to fix bail reform, and lock up repeat offenders, while also implementing long term social solutions to these problems such as better educations, afterschool and sports programs, etc. so we can stop criminalizing the youth in low income communities.
In terms of bail reform, we need to allow judges to hold people pre-trial if they determine they are a danger, which is nothing something the law currently allows for. we also need to reform discovery laws which are crushing the DA's offices with an undue amount of work producing documents that sometimes have no impact on a proceeding. We need to bring back involuntary institutionalization, but in a compassionate way, no lobotomies or shock therapy. Violent mentally ill people need to be kept on their meds and kept away from the general population. We should make it a crime to sleep on a train or sidewalk; the only penalty being you are held in a shelter overnight. But we need to stop letting the homeless refuse services, they need the help and they'll never get there if we don't make them. These are a few suggestions that would help greatly.
What can people do? Be vocal. Many on this sub could stop denying the problems. That's a start. I'm not advising anyone to go out and become batman, but if you feel comfortable intervening if someone is in danger, do so (at your own risk). Those of us who can have to keep a watchful eye. Sometimes just being alert and making eye-contact with someone who a menacing say a train can prevent them from flying completely off the handle. Ultimately tho, for the public's part, its going to take advocacy, not action in the moment.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4v83g wrote
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4rzhs wrote
Reply to comment by SilenceDooDooGood in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
"Man, I did Nazi that coming..."
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4rnsg wrote
Reply to comment by aWildDeveloperAppear in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Ah yes, the person who wants to increase public safety is pro-crime. Smfh, its so senseless I can't even.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4reqb wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
He really thought he did something there.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4qlod wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
"I don't know why that's so important to you."
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4618m wrote
Reply to comment by HandOfJobs in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Take your weird projections about everyone you hate living in their parents basement elsewhere, thanks. Its an odd fantasy my guy.
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix07url wrote
Reply to comment by SilenceDooDooGood in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Pro-Crime Libs: "This is an acceptable amount of violence to me. I don't worry about it because it will never affect me."
SilenceDooDooGood t1_iynxy0r wrote
Reply to Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of December, 2022 by AutoModerator
Does anyone know what an "unverified crime post" is? I'm not familiar. (rule #13)