THANK YOU!!! That's what I'm saying! I hate bringing up the topic of kids with people because they are ALWAYS trying to convince me otherwise. 🙄 Even my best friend and therapist. Like no. I don't want my uterus stretched and have morning sickness and be carrying a child for months. I don't want to hear them cry at 3 am or I have to stop working to stay at home with them. My sis got 5 kids and that's a good enough excuse right there not to want any of my own. I'm just firm with what I want. And kids ain't one of them. Just respect the decision and let it go. 😤😤😤
SilentConsequence892 t1_je7qolg wrote
Reply to LPT: If a single friend of yours has said they don’t want children, don’t start asking them if they’ve changed their mind if/when they find a partner. by dubdoll
THANK YOU!!! That's what I'm saying! I hate bringing up the topic of kids with people because they are ALWAYS trying to convince me otherwise. 🙄 Even my best friend and therapist. Like no. I don't want my uterus stretched and have morning sickness and be carrying a child for months. I don't want to hear them cry at 3 am or I have to stop working to stay at home with them. My sis got 5 kids and that's a good enough excuse right there not to want any of my own. I'm just firm with what I want. And kids ain't one of them. Just respect the decision and let it go. 😤😤😤