Siliskk t1_j9nii82 wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious_Wrap4944 in Time dilation question by [deleted]
Makes sense, i hope we find more answers soon! Very captivating stuff
Siliskk t1_j9nha56 wrote
Reply to comment by CommentToBeDeleted in Time dilation question by [deleted]
What about the fictional planet from interstellar, where 1 hour is 7 earth years on the planet? If thats possible, i see no reason to not believe that there are planets experiencing many years in the matter of a short time for us
Siliskk t1_j9nh507 wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious_Wrap4944 in Time dilation question by [deleted]
Another thing to note is the interstellar movie, where on the planet 1 hour is 7 years on earth. If a civilization lived on a planet like this but opposite, where 1 hour on earth is 7 years on their planet, or perhaps more, it could be very likely
Siliskk t1_j9ngwhi wrote
Reply to comment by Siliskk in Time dilation question by [deleted]
Perfect, who is the author? Their seems to be multiple books of the same title. Thank you
Siliskk t1_j9ngs4u wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious_Wrap4944 in Time dilation question by [deleted]
Sorry for the continued questions but would this apply to galaxies further out towards the edge of the expanding universe considering the universe is expanding so fast that galaxies are moving away from us at (cant remember the exact speed) lets say lightspeed? Appreciate your time, just a boggling thought
Siliskk t1_j9ngh80 wrote
Reply to comment by BeepBlipBlapBloop in Time dilation question by [deleted]
I will look into this! Appreciate it, i hope its on audible
Siliskk t1_j9nge4r wrote
Reply to comment by No-Percentage4385 in Time dilation question by [deleted]
Appreciate the comment! This has been stuck in my mind rhe past few days and i finally decided to ask here
Siliskk t1_j9ngcw0 wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious_Wrap4944 in Time dilation question by [deleted]
Assuming galaxies spin around their black holes, wouldnt a planet closer to the center move alot faster and therefore experience time alot faster?
Siliskk t1_j35x8pe wrote
Reply to comment by neoikon in Connecticut lawmaker dies in wrong-way crash after attending his own swearing-in ceremony by AudibleNod
I recommend low dose thc + cbd gummies. 10mg would do the trick assuming your not an avid user already
Siliskk t1_j9nkwgf wrote
Reply to comment by cdRepoman75 in Time dilation question by [deleted]
Dont need to be sarcastic, just asking a question based on science. Nothing wrong with learning, its all we really have in the end