
SilverNicktail t1_irwbgcj wrote

Those planes are still intended to run on electric-only the majority of the time.

And yeah, "that's not what I meant" is the traditional naysayer god-of-the-gaps argument.

"Electric planes aren't viable."

-- Short range planes become viable --

"Well I didn't mean those ones, that's a niche."

-- The niche expands --

"Well I didn't mean those ones either"


etc, etc, etc


SilverNicktail t1_irt43l6 wrote

Wow, congrats. Seeing progress after years of stalemate is always super satisfying. Hope it continues for you.

Up here in Vancouver we're continuing to expand the transit system (which to be fair is actually a pretty good transit system), but the city design is still extremely car-centric. It's starting to change in some districts, though, with the city experimenting with replacing sidewalks to aid with water retention and stop the risk of flooding.