
SilverNicktail t1_j2yz40g wrote

It's a very small portion of the renewable makeup, less than 5% as opposed to the >75% that's wind power.

The idea behind burning "garbage" is that it'll rot and emit methane, so it's an emitter either way. Burning methane is cleaner than letting it release naturally.


SilverNicktail t1_j1c2io5 wrote

I don't think your reply makes any sense. I said that gender is a social construct, which it is. Ideas of what male and female gender roles have changed constantly throughout history, and have differed wildly between cultures. The idea that such things have always been locked in stone is a falsehood perpetuated exclusively as a response to those who wish to go against contemporary societal norms

"Real men should never wear pink, or tights!" one hypothetical reactionary may shout. If they did, they would be in total ignorance of the times in our history when pink was considered manly, or when all men of stature wore leggings. Did you know that the modern association between women and pink only came about in the 1930s and 1940s?


SilverNicktail t1_j19o3p8 wrote

I wonder....when this completely fails to collapse society, will the TERFs attempt even the tiniest introspection?

Naaah, they'll just scream twice as hard over the next attempt to make marginalised peoples' lives easier. Saw an Irish TERF whining in the replies to Holyrood's announcement, completely ignoring the part where Ireland's had this for years and has bugger-all harm to show for it.


SilverNicktail t1_j150je0 wrote

[Citation needed]

Here's one for you: 75% of transport emissions come from road vehicles:

I know it's illegal to admit you're wrong on the Internet, but maybe if someone points out you're wrong, just pulling shit out of your ass isn't the best way to take in that information.

Not that any of this changes the point that you skipped over this ban being aimed at corporations first and misrepresented it as something that exclusively targets consumers. That was the actual point being addressed.


SilverNicktail t1_j12wxdb wrote

Utter nonsense. By that logic an ICE car sales ban would do nothing to reduce emissions. Never mind that the end-user purchase ban comes in next year, and you've completely skipped over the ban being introduced today, which is a domestic manufacturing and import ban. You know, one aimed at the companies producing the products? "Placing the onus on corporations?"


SilverNicktail t1_j127neo wrote

You realise that plastic bags, takeout containers, etc are fossil fuel products, right? Aside from plastic pollution being an obvious environmental issue visible to anyone walking down any side street anywhere, it's one more chip in the oil wall.

On top of that, the ban this year is for companies, not consumers. It is a domestic production and import ban. The consumer purchase ban is next year. So you're completely off on that, too.


SilverNicktail t1_iz31ppx wrote

Well yeah, surprise surprise, an industrial process requires some kind of energy input, but it's not in any way the same thing as creating renewable generation to directly feed a DAC unit.

This is the equivalent of taking an existing industrial process like the creation of steel and making the input cleaner.