SilverNicktail t1_j7qyjpv wrote
Reply to comment by uglykidjoel in Australia blocks coal mine to protect Great Barrier Reef by WorldMarketFella
They finally voted the conservative fossil fuel shills out of office and now there's a flood of environmental laws going through. And all it took was devastating wildfires and huge reductions in wildlife populations.
SilverNicktail t1_j7qye4z wrote
See what happens when you vote out conservatives? Things get better. It's not a coincidence.
SilverNicktail t1_j6v78s7 wrote
People being allowed to live as they wish without being told who to be by everyone around them, imagine that.
SilverNicktail t1_j6nyj8h wrote
Reply to comment by kuriteru in Wind and solar were EU’s top electricity source in 2022 for first time ever by bayesian_acolyte
Hahah what absolute bollocks. I think the energy crisis might have been caused by a certain nation deciding to start a certain invasion, no? Followed by that free market conservatives love so much enabling massive price gouging? You know there's no actual shortage of supply right?
Oh hang on, you're whingeing about "globalism", so I'm gonna guess you haven't got the best grasp of the European energy market.
SilverNicktail t1_j6nxwba wrote
Water full of shit for the next 30 years, let's not go giving the fuckin' Tories any credit on that one. Or are they planning on sea level rises to take care of that requirement?
SilverNicktail t1_j6k4szx wrote
Reply to comment by LostMyKarmaElSegundo in US renewable energy farms outstrip 99% of coal plants economically – study | US news by Ok_Champion6840
Unfortunately, they only say that as a reflexive defence when it works in their favour, or abuses happen. When it works against them, they'll demand boycotts and protectionist laws. There's already laws going on the books in some states to make it harder to sell EVs, for example. The UK government wanted to bloody ban onshore wind and solar!
SilverNicktail t1_j6axb3g wrote
Reply to $1 Trillion Green Investment Matches Fossil Fuels Investment for First Time in 2022 by Straight_Ad2258
Cool, can we get green lobbying groups now? Seems to be the only way to get the oil industry to fuck all the way off.
SilverNicktail t1_j5uvw1u wrote
Reply to comment by half3clipse in Danske Bank Quits New Fossil Fuel Financing by echosayswhat
> Positive in that it ultimately means petro companies have given up on overtly fighting change and are now preparing to weather it.
I think that's certainly the case for more than a few of them. One of the better EV charger networks in the UK is run by BP of all people. That's a sign to me that they're at least looking for what comes next, even if they're dragging their feet.
SilverNicktail t1_j5ur5f3 wrote
Reply to comment by half3clipse in Danske Bank Quits New Fossil Fuel Financing by echosayswhat
>It's more likely to do with new projects just not being a good investment anymore.
That in itself is pretty great?
SilverNicktail t1_j5rw476 wrote
Reply to comment by wheresmyonesy in Fossil fuels fall to record low in power grid as renewables hit new high by peenpeenpeen
Germany just dropped $180 billion on renewables. They also already produce 45% of their power from renewables, about twice what the USA does.
SilverNicktail t1_j5q741r wrote
Reply to comment by Couldnothinkofaname in Fossil fuels fall to record low in power grid as renewables hit new high by peenpeenpeen
You're a conservative American. The article is about Australia. Your lack of effort in even the most basic comprehension of the topic may explain the first one, TBH.
SilverNicktail t1_j571ko0 wrote
Reply to comment by CBSnews in Aviation startup ZeroAvia flies largest ever hydrogen-electric aircraft by allstevenz
Damn, CBS coming in here with the Reddit support.
I didn't realise hydrogen-electric power trains were so far along, honestly - though it makes sense considering they've existed in cars for years.
SilverNicktail t1_j51latp wrote
Reply to comment by Bird_Brain4101112 in UK hits single-instant record 87.6% wind generation, annual record 26.8% by seenitreddit90s
Pretty much on form for Peterson then. It's like the Ezra Levant rule - if he disagrees with you, you're right.
SilverNicktail t1_j4t5j1d wrote
Unfortunately, EV conversion of a chassis designed for a gas tank and ICE engine usually results in a vastly inferior experience to a car designed to be EV from the ground up.
Mazda did this same shit, seems to be a Japanese thing. They dragged their feet on EVs for years until many countries made it clear the death of ICE cars was inevitable. After that, they pushed out the MX-30, an ICE-chassis conversion and colossal piece of shit that's at least 10 years behind the rest of the EV market. 100 mile range in a 2022 SUV. Properly pathetic.
SilverNicktail t1_j4r5cmz wrote
Reply to comment by sledgehammer_77 in Runaway W. Antarctic ice sheet collapse not 'inevitable': study by EagleEyeStx
Given that emissions are set to peak in the next few years and are in fact decreasing in most developed areas (at admittedly very differing rates), not necessarily.
SilverNicktail t1_j3si53p wrote
Reply to A metal band getting an education award. by WirrkopfP
Ain't wrong. The number of people I know who have become (irritatingly competitive) amateur history nerds because of Sabaton is not zero.
SilverNicktail t1_j3rtzkn wrote
Reply to Farmer Geoff Stevens has converted a formerly cold barn into a warming room for vulnerable people in Suffolk. He insulated it, got a log burner working, and added a kitchen and he's just opened it to the public in 2022 after plans to convert it to a café in 2020 were delayed. (links in comments) by whatatwit
One of those "uplifting" stories that's people trying to get along in a country the Tories have brought to its fucking knees. Good to see decent people, can't believe we have to put up with this shit for at least another year (the Tories are hard at work trying to rig that election too). Even then, FPTP means we're gonna end up with Tories Lite.
SilverNicktail t1_j3oxztr wrote
Reply to comment by sg3niner in Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England by Sariel007
Current US healthcare spending - per year - is over 4 trillion dollars.
You were saying?
SilverNicktail t1_j3oxrbh wrote
Reply to comment by thatnitai in Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England by Sariel007
The same as it was before plastic? I thought the weird little wooden chippie fork thing was a UK icon.
SilverNicktail t1_j3o9lrj wrote
Reply to comment by hamzer55 in Earth’s ozone layer on course to be healed within decades, UN report finds by bastienleblack
There wasn't also a trillion-dollar industry willing to spend decades propagandising against fixing it.
SilverNicktail t1_j3le14g wrote
Reply to comment by nightcycling in Biden signs bills that secure long-sought water rights and land for 5 Arizona tribes by Sariel007
Dang, the conspiracy chuds are out in force tonight.
SilverNicktail t1_j3ldz0j wrote
Reply to comment by Livid-Association199 in Biden signs bills that secure long-sought water rights and land for 5 Arizona tribes by Sariel007
This is the Internet. Whenever there's progress, you get two camps:
Progress is bad, actually!
Recognising progress is bad, actually!
SilverNicktail t1_j3ldved wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Biden signs bills that secure long-sought water rights and land for 5 Arizona tribes by Sariel007
This dude's post history is Extra Fucking Yikes. Full-on Q-Anon crazy-hole bullshit. Believes the bullshit about soy, which then goes hand-in-hand with screeching about trans people, and then all the "I'm not, you are" lies about Biden to try and deflect from what an utter looney their chosen fascist saviour is.
Put it this way: he's an Andrew Tate defender.
SilverNicktail t1_j2zjpye wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterOtherwise77 in Renewable energy generation between July and September (2022) was up 55.3% on the same period in 2021, The Scottish Government has revealed. by Querch
Not 5% of garbage, 5% of electricity generation categorised as renewable. Did you not read the reasoning I posted as to why it's done? Let's say you get your way and that's made illegal - cool, now it rots, creates methane and emits *more*.
It's different to bringing methane out of the ground and burning that - this is methane that is naturally occurring at the surface and would be released anyway.
SilverNicktail t1_j7qz22y wrote
Reply to Video game playing causes no harm to young children's cognitive abilities - regardless of duration of game playing and video game genre, study finds by BringinItDirty
Nice to have the evidence backing it up, but I imagine the reaction of every millennial that's been gaming since they could speak is "no shit, mate".