
SirReal_Realities t1_ja8cm1b wrote

Hey, does Walmart have any little know “uglies” specials? I know the bakery piles the stuff about to be discarded on a clearance trolly in my store. Any last minute deals in produce?


SirReal_Realities t1_ja8bl9k wrote

Damn. You live in an urban area or outside the US? Assuming it is Flashfood (one word) app, it doesn’t look like any store does that in my area. Shame, I would love to buy discounted uglies.


SirReal_Realities t1_j6w5gzm wrote

Coolers keep things cool longer. I can see the salty ice water absorbing heat from the fish faster (thus slightly warming the salty ice water faster than non-salty ice water, but it doesn’t make sense that the contents of the cooler would take less time to reach room temperature. If you start off with a cooler at -15 degrees, it will take longer to reach room temperature than a cooler at 0 degrees; If not, then you don’t have a insulated chest, you have a bucket of ice.


SirReal_Realities t1_j6her10 wrote

Why are you taking medication? Is it prescribed? Who prescribed it? Why did they prescribe it?

Ex: A physician might have prescribed an antidepressant for you after having a baby because they felt you had postpartum depression.

Ex: A pediatrician might have prescribed you medication because your parents gave them information that suggested it would help you; are you just taking it because you “always have taken them”?

If you are taking meds, and know why you are taking them, then you need to talk to a psychiatrist (not a psychologist or therapist) about why you are taking them and are they the best treatment.

If you are taking meds and you don’t know why, and are a grown up and in charge of your own healthcare, then you should ask your current physician what they are for, and should you continue them? What happens if you stop? How can you safely stop taking them if you BOTH think it is a good idea?


SirReal_Realities t1_j6hdt9m wrote

You say that like it is a bad thing. Research shows that people with a greater grasp of “reality” are less happy. Science is about facts, and facts don’t care how you feel; A positive mental attitude is about focusing on ideas that bring you contentment in life. Your negative thoughts might be “right”… but if they are not productive, or actively harmful, then how is that Better than constructive self-delusion? Go ahead, tell your nephews and nieces that Santa isn’t real; Your family will love you for that come Christmas. /s


SirReal_Realities t1_j6hd4gf wrote

I suppose it depends on why you are in therapy. If you have suffered from trauma, they are supposed to help your recovery. Sometimes “recovery” means accepting a new “normal”.

If you are in therapy because it is court mandated, or someone else is insisting that you go and you “don’t see the point” then the point is that you are going because you have no choice, or it is easier than saying no.


SirReal_Realities t1_j0uewzm wrote

Not really following too closely, because 1) it is just an incremental step towards fusion, and 2) all the discussions have been professionals talking to professionals rather than laymen. Having said that:

Are they discussing “greater energy output than input” in terms of measurement, or useful energy production? I mean, they can do the first in terms of using fission to produce fusion, but the only practical use is making large explosions for warfare. (Limited usefulness.) Or are they at the stage of recovering energy for self sustaining energy production?


SirReal_Realities t1_iucj15x wrote

Oh no, you don’t get off that easy! You got a few more decades to get through remembering what youth felt like, seeing young people ignorant of what they have and complaining about petty crap. What, you though some people are just get born cranky old coots? Nah, you have to steep a while! Soak in that bitter dregs! Then, then you will finally understand how funny Betty White really was! Er, what were we talking about?