
Skarfa t1_jdiiqof wrote

[Part 2/2]

“Lamia’s cannot reproduce via sex, we do not lay eggs or have fathers. We reproduce via voluntary transformation, there has to be a host which becomes a new lamia.”

“Host? Transformation? I’m sorry I don’t fully understand”

“Then let me put it this way. I was not born like this, I wasn’t even born a woman. My original name was Sal Peterson, I was a man, and a human just like you Kevin”


“Lamia’s have a very slow metabolism, on top of our cold blooded biology it grants us very long life. My mother was 307 before she was taken away by cancer. But she told me that we can live up to 1,000 years old. When I was human, I noticed long tracks in the sand that I couldn’t explain, everyone else at the time just brushed them off, but I looked into them which eventually led me to my mother. I was fascinated by her, she was scared of me at first despite being nearly 20 feet long. She thought I would tell others about her. I didn’t and dedicated myself to her, I loved her platonically. And the fact that at the time she was over 200 and I just reached 30, she saw me as her offspring. Then one day she gave me the offer. Lamia’s… wombs are designed to incorporate any being, even other faye folk. It takes 11 months to complete the change, then I was reborn and she gave me my new name.”

“… no words… unbelievable… I guess. Um… is… is that what you were doin with Bill, making him your… daughter?”

“I was fascinated by my lamia biology, I aimed to understand simply to satisfy my curiosity, that grew into a love of science and eventually my medical career. What I learned is the initial stage of that transformation is to stabilize the host, to prepare them for the change. An umbilical is formed between the mother and host, blood is shared and stem cells are produced to repair any damage. Bill was only inside me for 12 hours so there was only a minor umbilical formed and trace stem cells to promote healing, essentially keeping him in a state of stasis. The stabilization takes up the first month of our ‘pregnancy’, during that time, the host receives no genetic change. Bill is still Bill and will remain human.”

“… still no words…WAIT! Is that the foundation of your research? For project newborn? To recreate that stabilization process?”

“EXACTLY! After my mother passed I poured myself into trying to find a way I could of prevented it. I thought of my biology and the idea grew from there. Alas It cannot cure cancer, but it is still a solid method of healing nonetheless. The project was not yet ready at the medical complex, but when you are a first hand witness to such a horrible accident and you know of a way to help, you do so. I never even thought about how it would appear to others, I was just focused on saving him. That’s why I…”

“You are a healer through in through, you knew what needed to be done to save your patient and you did it. And now a life that would have most likely passed away is now alive because of you. So now the question is, what do you do from here?”

“Best case scenario, I am forgiven and am allowed to resume my work on the project. I may look like a predator, but my mind is human, I was a human. I exist to prolong life, never to harm it. I would do it again.”

“This was filmed 1 week ago, I have heard that the High Desert Medical Complex looked into our interview with Sarah and are now welcoming her back to the project she founded. Bill is still in the hospital recovering from his accident, he denied to be interviewed only saying this, ‘It was the most disturbing experience of my entire life, one I will never forget, but I will have a life to remember it. Thank you Sarah, let me know when your work is done’

“That has been this edition of ‘faye or foe’. Tune in next time when we look into a dragon with daughter issues. Thank you for watching, I’m Kevin Baolowa, good night.”


Skarfa t1_jdiinq8 wrote

[Part 1/2]

“Jeremy Clericson of South Carolina, famous back in 2008 when vampires first entered into the public eye. Then it was Ms Lucille Donovan in late 2009 with her fiancee who’s werewolf daywalker codename was snuffles. And finally in 2019 when we saw first hand the true extent of the damage we are doing to our environment with the Best Fishy Friends Forever, Caitlyn and Gillian. Not to of course mention Neptunes wrath.

“But today, in 2023, Id like to talk about a controversial face and a species that until recently many didn’t know about, despite coming out like the rest of fairy tale kind back in 2008. Today, we hear the side of the story of Sarah Salsans and her husband Steven Salsans in Phoenix, Arizona. I am Kevin Baolowa, and this is ‘faye or foe’.

“Disclaimer to our viewers at home, this weeks show will focus on the subjects of Predation and sexual situations. Viewer discretion is advised.”

“I am currently in the outskirts of Phoenix and as you can see there are still some protestors outsides the home, you can see however that they are keeping their distance as most are simply too afraid to get closer, hence why the crowd is as small as it is. We will be going inside.” knock knock “Hello? It’s Kevin Baolowa of HBO, we spoke on the phone.” click creeeeaaak “lets do this”

“Are we rolling? Ok, so this will be a very basic introduction, there will be viewers who have never seen your kind before and nay have not heard what happened yet, just start with who and what you are.”

EXHALE Ok.. ok. Hello, hi, My name is Sarah Salsans.. and I.. am a Lamia. A half woman, half snake. Top half woman bottom half snake, as you can see but some of you might be blind so.. anyways. I am a second generation Lamia to the United States. My mother was a migrant from the Eastern Sahara, she gave birth to me 70 years ago here in Phoenix and past away 20 years ago. I am… I was recently employed at the High Desert Healing Complex as a biochemist and the vice head scientist of project newborn.”

“Could you go into more detail about Project Newborn?”

“Yes, Project Newborn is a new revolutionary general treatment originally derived from a scientific paper I published 20 years ago. What it does is suspends a patient in a artificially made fetal-like fluid that can heal critical wounds in patients on the brink of death or in a state where their bodies are no longer able to withstand the stress of surgery or other treatments. It is a cure-all for physically damaged patients”

“That is absolutely incredible, such a treatment could save countless lives. You said physically damaged, can it heal other ailments such as viral infections or genetic disorders?”

“No, that is not how it was designed. And currently we are still attempting to properly synthesize the fetal fluid. It’s close, but were not there yet.”

“Incredible, lets shift to the incident. The viral video that caused this was uploaded 5 weeks ago. Lets show that. As you can see, there is our brilliant scientist working on saving lives, and there is the wriggling bulge that shattered that that image for most of the world. You can hear what he thought he saw as well as the millions of others that saw it online, ‘HOLY FUCKING SHIT! SHE ATE SOMEONE!! SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!!!’ Is there anything you would like to say to the person who shot this video?”

crying I’m sorry I scared you, I was just doing what I thought.. no. What I knew was right, I’m sorry”

“I have in my hand a transcript of what a nurse said after Sarah was taken to Phoenix General Hospital where now famous survivor Bill Holloway was removed from her. And I quote, ‘Bill should be dead, not because of what he was just inside of, but because of the sheer damage he received in the accident. The semi crushed his pelvis, his right arm is mangled beyond recognition and there are minor fractures all across his skull. Since the impact didn’t kill him the trauma should have, and if that didn’t it should have been the blood loss. I still don’t fully understand what that snake woman did, but it saved his life.’ Some of you may be wondering why this was not released right when the incident took place, but in fact it was. Unfortunately the masses had already made up their mind and saw Sarah as unquestionably Guilty. Before we talk about what it is you actually did to save bills life, lets give some more context to what you actually are biologically.”

sniff Ok… ok. Sweetie, please sit with me.”

“She needs a moment”

“Of course, this is now Steven Salsans, Sarah’s husband.”

“Should I talk about myself?”

“Yes, please do.”

“Ok.. Hello, my name is Steven Salsans and I am a first generation Naga in the united states. A half man, half snake.”

“What is the difference between a Naga and a Lamia, is it strictly gender based? There is some difference because you look perfectly human while your wife has a snakes body right at the waist.”

“Naga’s can appear only completely human, or completely like a snake. Schrwwwm My snake form is a black python. Mwwwrhcs We can be male or female or any other gender. Lamia’s however..”

sniff Lamia’s can only be female.”

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I can do this.”

“They can ONLY be female? Could you expand on that Sarah?”

“It has nothing to do with gender, it’s purely our biological sex. It has to do with.. how we reproduce.”

“Ladies and gentlemen at home, this is your warning, viewer discretion is advised”


Skarfa t1_j1rcbm2 wrote

I feel the same, but don’t forget that a lot of us are just procrastinators, even if it’s subconscious.

100 years max, some beach houses in Florida will be flooded or better yet, we’ll have years where it doesn’t go below 100 degrees even in winter. THEN the metaphorical fire will be lit under humanities collective ass.

I obviously don’t want us to wait that long, but thats my worst case prediction, us doing literally nothing? No chance.


Skarfa t1_j1qr4b2 wrote

Technologically speaking, heres what I hope for.

First and foremost will come asteroid mining. The increase in global emissions and the need for exotic resources in developing countries will drive for an opening to fund mining asteroids, along with something else, a dream of a lottery. Were already talking about asteroids with enough gold to buy the entire planet. So if more companies drive for space like space-x, blue origin, and Virgin we could see the launch of drone ships to send asteroids into our local orbit for more streamlined mining, the launch of the asteroid redirection test is also proof of this.

I see asteroid mining becoming mainstream by 2075.

Nearly simultaneously is the continued development of 3D printing technology, specifically it reaching near star trek levels of complexity. Perhaps not genuine molecular reconstruction like in actual replicators, but very definitely the next best thing. With an influx of raw materials becoming available from asteroid mining, supplying a type of industrial 3D printer could become a lucrative business opportunity. Offering a service to literally “print” goods like cars, computers, designer art and clothing. The option to further personalize everything you own would be very profitable. This of course will continue until the technology gets refined enough where people could own a personalized version in their home. They could take an ild cell phone put it in one of these devices and it would recycle the raw materials then print the new version. So instead of purchasing items from companies, you could own the raw materials then just download the template to make the product, or of course make your own.

I see highly proficient 3D printers becoming commonplace by 2100, with its precursor industrial design releasing in the mid 2050’s.

Come the turn of the 22nd century, genetics will become the next big thing. I know not what geo-political ideals will govern people at the time, but I do know that for few, the benefits will be far too tempting. Gene exiting to create designer babies with specified muscular structures and unique intelligence, a baby created by brain surgeons to be the perfect brain surgeon. Splicing genes to remove genetic defects and improve immune response, no more dementia or cancer. Creating the ideal humans to colonize the now partially populated worlds of the solar system, the birth of the first true Martian.

Gene editing’s damage will have been done by 2150.

Not really the development of new tech, but of a new structure. A Dyson swarm to harvest the photo-electrical energy from the sun providing power to all humans on all worlds in the entire solar system. If done properly, this project would have actually stared back in 2050. It would just take that long to build. It should be done exponentially, the resources are gathered to design 1 solar panel, that solar panel is sent to the sun and starts collecting power, the power from that 1 panel allows for the creation of 2 more. 2 becomes 4, 4 to 8, 8 to 16. So on and so on most likely for a lot longer than just 150 years, but by then for the growing humans it will have reached an equilibrium where it is now generating enough power to take over for all other forms of power generation.

A Dyson swarm will be able to provide power for all of humanity by 2200.

The kindles have been ignited, at this point humanity now has access to for their use, a near limitless supply of resources, power, and the technology to turn those resources and power into whatever they imagine. This last century wont even take place on earth, it will be humanities first steps into the greater universe. I foresee the creation of a interstellar class starship. What drives this starship, my 3 main guesses would be advanced ion propulsion for a sleeper ship (long lasting fuel large payload for a long slow voyage) gravitational wave propultion (massively powerful but also heavy engines, fast travel time ‘relatively’ but a smaller payload) or automated. Humanity may reach a point in only those 200 hears in our solar system where diversity looses all meaning. Humans could send out seeds on self replicating spacecraft sent across the entire galaxy giving rise to entirely new genetically isolated forms of humanity.

I see humanities first steps into our galaxy taking place by the beginning of 2300 and the end of my designated time to guess what humanity will do.