
Skydivided t1_jcgx5j9 wrote

I don’t know if it was me because I’m sure other people did. Either way , I’m glad it worked out!!! Yay!! I’ve had my guy almost a year and I am his 4th home counting spca. Took him until a few months ago before he’d curl up on me in bed. He’s a great cat but was timid for a while but never really too scared. I love that place !!

I don’t know if they did for you , but I was given a voucher for a free checkup at fisherville vet and that was good. I didn’t feel like they were trying to sell me on anything and only offered suggestions.


Skydivided t1_j1ynamj wrote

Hey , just wanted to say that maybe you’re not looking at the “not telling my therapist about my suicidal thoughts “ the right way. Or maybe you are ? Sometimes people have “intrusive suicidal thoughts “. That’s normal and worth mentioning to a therapist. They know this. I know from my own personal experience with my bipolar 2 condition that I’ll have those thoughts. It’s not the same as being actually suicidal.

Anyways , just wanted to put that out there so you can get the most out of your therapy sessions. Just say “you know , I’m not suicidal, but I do have intrusive thoughts about suicide or I’m just not wanting to be here “. They know that language isn’t the same as somebody being actually suicidal and can help unearth what’s the root cause of that or help your process those thoughts. I hope that makes sense.

Good luck on your journey to better mental health. You’re doing great!!!!


Skydivided t1_j0klowg wrote

I know if I was homeless in NH this time of year I would high tail it to somewhere down south or West coast. It’s wild. It really is. Something i heard yesterday was there is a company or something cleaning up some homeless encampments and the city is footing the bill. Cost $10,000. I got this from a reputable source(my actual boss at my real job with local Govt) and my jaw dropped.

I really don’t have an answer to the solution. I think I popped into this thread because sometimes I get really annoyed with people having a preconceived notion and stereotype of what a homeless person is. Outside of the mentally ill and addicts/alcoholics and addicts there is a fair share of people like you and me who lost everything by circumstances or poor choices and they have no place to go. Now , that being said , the majority of those people actually use the recourses provided to help them get on their feet again. Like , legit comeback stories. But there they are. You don’t see them in the stairwell and on the sidewalks in tents. Not saying they aren’t in that situation, but they typically have their mental faculties and trying to at least get into some sort of program for housing and find jobs. But the wait list is long, it takes time. Could the drug addicts help themselves? In many cases they can in some aspect if they would try. And many do. But some are so deep into addiction that it takes and act of providence to get them out of the hellhole they’re in. Then you’ve got some mentally ill(not all) who are so sick that they don’t even know what day or year it is, much less can they comprehend that there is possibly a way out.

We’ve got this one guy in town that everyone seems to know or seen around town. He’s most likely schizophrenic, but I can’t diagnose him. But he most likely is. His story makes absolutely no sense. At all. However , we do know for certain that he Used to be married , has kids, had a job , and a house. He’s even got an old Facebook profile from years ago you can look up. Obviously it’s not active. The pics of him and his family on there are heartbreaking when you know what he’s like now. Like , when and how did he descent into madness ? What was the breaking point ? There are legit recourses out there to help him. Like , this guy could get with a proper doctor and eventually into a housing program. He could. It’s right in front of him. Right there at his reach. Neil is the guy I always think of , see him most days of the week , and it’s mind blowing he doesn’t have the mental capacity to accept help because he’s so sick. And he’s been given and still will be given all the help that’s provided, but he just can’t grasp it because his illness is so severe. Wild stuff. “But for the grace of God , there goes I”. He could be anyone of us.

But for the people your family is dealing with with their business, I get it. I do. And I apologize for coming off so lightly about the situation. It’s bad. It’s really bad. I wish I knew the solution. I’m not implying you just accept the situation and i apologize if I’ve come off that way.

Peace ✌️


Skydivided t1_j0ijdag wrote

Explain to me how tax payer dollars are wasted with homeless centers ? I’d really love to hear your expertise on the subject.

It’s not “my committee “. I don’t work there as my job. Every single thing I listed on the previous response is all volunteer and donation based for the most part but there are people in these organizations who do work at these centers around the nation. That’s what they do. The stuff I listed is just part of it. I’m not sure you’re grasping this.

Enjoy your evening. I’m checking out on this thread. I think my teenagers have a better understanding of this. Heck. I think my cat may too.


Skydivided t1_j0ihvxz wrote

Pass a law ? That’s cute. Get started with that since you know how cut and dry that is. Put people in a medical facility(asylum as you call it , which is an antiquated word).

You really don’t get it and that’s ok. You’re not alone. A lot of people like you are really ignorant on the matter and think you just “pass a law “. And the money part for long term treatment at a medical assisted center isn’t going to be 30,000 a year. That would be awesome, but it’s not reality. Just look up the cost yourself, it’s not my doing or will that facilities charge so much. I agree , it’s insane. But as you did all we gotta do is “pass a law “. The 400,000 dollar quote wasn’t for a year. I was using your silly and juvenile take on “defunding the police “ and used a random number out of the amount you wanted to defund the police to make a point. It wasn’t supposed to be literal.

I’d really love to hear how a law gets passed to make a facility do what you say. Can you explain that ? I’ll wait.


Skydivided t1_j0hpbfe wrote

Have you ever volunteered for your city’s homeless coalition or outreach programs? What about a soup kitchen or a cold weather emergency housing ? What about food pantry’s ? Dental care service ?medical care service ? Do any of these programs sound like something you would volunteer your time to ? Are you comfortable washing homeless peoples cloths and folding them up and handing them back to them , and then the next day wash their bedding ? There’s more. Are you interested in volunteering for any of these ?


Skydivided t1_j0hoguu wrote

We already have drug rehabs. Who’s going to pay for that ?

So in your scenario youde take most of the police budget. 40,000,000 out of 50,000,000. Now , let’s be very conservative and use 100 homeless people who you think should be in an asylum for long term care. That’s 400,000 per person. On the lower scale based on some random statistics and averages , you’re looking at around 6,000 a month. But let’s go lower and say 3,000 a month for fun. Now ? Do you see where that’s going for even one person ? Not very far. And that’s only using 100 people. Not many.

Yes , you’re right. We do have drug rehabs. Most are full or a waiting list but you definitely can get in with the right money or insurance and some state funded recourses, which are scarce. But let’s pretend that wasn’t the case. How much do you think the average stay for a 28 day program is ? I’ll let you research that since you seem to know about drug rehabs. Now the problem is ; who’s going to fund it ? We’ve already discussed the money from your police budget. So that won’t work. What other divisions in your city should have their budget cut so as to fund the drug rehabs? Keep in mind you’re only talking about a single city. What about the smaller cities in our state ?


Skydivided t1_j0hcc7r wrote

Maybe , but doesn’t seem practical that the cost would be covered. Long term hospital stays are expensive. By chance do you know the budget for the police department for your city ?

What about the drug addicts and alcoholics ? Drug addiction and alcoholism are both a disease and a form of mental health disorder.


Skydivided t1_j0e81du wrote

It’s definitely a huge culprit. But a lot have or had untreated mental illness along with it. And , besides , substance abuse and alcoholism is a disease and just another form of mental illness where one’s brain is effected. Which came first ? The mental illness or the addiction? Did they coincide? There’s not an easy solution no matter what side of the fence you’re on.


Skydivided t1_j0cbxjt wrote

I’m not denying anything like that happening. I’m just stating a statistical fact about people assuming anyone homeless is shooting dope. I just felt it was a blanket statement and just adds to more of the stigma of homeless people. It’s a sad reality. I’m sure eventually the police will do a swoop of the place , they’ll be gone. But then another homeless encampment will show up in a matter of days. Maybe at least it won’t be by a park. They’re not going to arrest them and put them in jail. Maybe a few , but they can’t take them all to jail and it’s not a solution anyways minus certain individuals who should be jailed. But the average homeless person shouldn’t be jailed and won’t.


Skydivided t1_j0bxg41 wrote

Nah. You made a blanket statement and it shows your ignorance on the issue. Just because you worked as a EMS(which I highly doubt or maybe you were a gung ho volunteer fire department member at most, Which is cool and we appreciate you guys), but your words and attitude show how uneducated you are on the subject. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. It’s really obvious.

I’ll just leave it at that. No point in wasting time on you. You’re a dime a dozen.

Feel free to leave the last comment , im sure you’re the type to have to have the last word in. Carry on.


Skydivided t1_j0brp6e wrote

How many of the people in that location have you talked to , assessed their history , checked with them to see if they know what recourses tare available, and determined wether or not if they’re long term homeless or chronic ? How many are vets ?I’m going to safely assume you don’t know the answer to any of that or have thought about it. You sound like the type of person who thinks the people you’re talking about should just go get a job or head to rehab. And that’s ok. A lot of people are like that. But you can stop , take some time , educate yourself on the issue , then have something worthwhile to contribute to this conversation. It’s an important topic.


Skydivided t1_izrx18l wrote

I moved here from NC a while ago. The first year I got here I was like “oh , wow! This is kinda cool “. The second year was like “oh , that’s right. Gets dark here early. That’s wild “. The third year and on it’s been “this kinda fucking sucks”. Lol. But I’m used to it now and once I embrace it when it changes over I’m ok.

You gotta embrace that shit and stay active.


Skydivided t1_izds3cq wrote

Out of curiosity. Are you on a lease or are you going month to month ? Does rental assistance pay the whole amount of rent?

I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this.