
Sleepdprived t1_j0foskk wrote

I mean... it does have so much mass. Which is why it will be hard to ship up the resources even from a 1/3 g grav well. You would need some base of operations to start the process of breaking up the usefull materials... like a company base at the bottom of the gravity well... some kind of work camp, or area of a distant land controlled from afar by an interested and invested party to gather foreign resources by people who aren't originally from that place.

Like a group of people sent out by a state to a new territory

What should we call that?


Sleepdprived t1_iy4hkka wrote

Have you ever heard the term "thin air"? When you pull on air it stretches. The more air between you and what you want to pull the more space air has to stretch, and the more air there is to stretch. This overworks your vacuum. The longer the pipe, the less efficient the vacuum is. The air has friction against the surface area of the pipe and adds drag which stretches the air thin.


Sleepdprived t1_iy4crvl wrote

Electrician trick for wiring into pipes (don't get me in trouble with electricians by sharing) tie a long strong string into a wad of tissue paper roughly the size of the pipe. Stuff the wad I to the end with the string tid on your end. Then put an air compressor on the end and seal it enough so the air blows the string down through the pipe with the paper. Then tie your cable to the string and pull it back through the pipe.

Electrician said he pulled a 2 mike wire through a pipe like this.