Small_Pleasures t1_j9nzsih wrote
Reply to LPT: Odds are you won't be the first person in your circle of friends to lose a parent to old age, but when you hear of the first one to go, heed the warning and make sure you're maximizing the time with those you love, because it's likely the bulk of the time you'll have with them is behind you. by JD2005
My mom died at 56. You better believe that I answered every phone call no matter what for years after that.
Small_Pleasures t1_jd1k8f5 wrote
Reply to comment by formerlyfromwisco in LPT: If you have young children you should teach them your phone number as early as 4 years old. However long it takes- using picture cards or any other learning tricks, you should make them memorize it. That way if they ever get lost etc., they can ask a store employee to call you. by v-shizzle
THIS. My kids knew our phone number at 2 years old b/c i sang it to the refrain of the Mickey Mouse song. A bit later they memorized my cell number with a song about the ancient King David that has only 5 words and a catchy tune (Kids learn it in religious school very early; it has silly hand gestures). By the time they were ready to memorize Dad's cell, they picked the song and wrote lyrics to go with the refrain.
I also pointed out street names and major intersections near our home when we were running errands until I was confident they knew how to name them.