SmartSherbet t1_j31q9bg wrote
Reply to comment by Powerhelix in Getting rid of bulk waste in "off season" by Powerhelix
Our money is mostly going to the cops to pay fraudulent overtime, buy military equipment and horses, and fund brutality and civil rights settlements.
SmartSherbet t1_j2zuzfa wrote
Reply to Getting rid of bulk waste in "off season" by Powerhelix
Can we talk about how outrageous it is that our city just flat out declines to perform a basic municipal service for a full third of the year?
Plenty of cities offer bulk waste disposal at curbside for no additional charge, included in your monthly trash utility payment.
SmartSherbet t1_j2b4gdt wrote
Reply to comment by friedlock68 in One of my favorite things about this winter- those stupid rubber speed bumps are gone! by poutine-pal
For sure, some cyclists need to chill. But drivers running red lights and speeding are a much bigger danger. It would also be a lot easier for cyclists to ride predictably if there were good infrastructure in place for us. Believe me, I would rather stay in a protected bike lane than ride in traffic.
SmartSherbet t1_j28z470 wrote
Reply to One of my favorite things about this winter- those stupid rubber speed bumps are gone! by poutine-pal
Disagree. As a cyclist and pedestrian, I love the bumps and wish there were more of them. Drivers whip through Worcester neighborhoods at outrageous speeds and we should do everything we can to slow them down.
SmartSherbet t1_j1mck3a wrote
Reply to Where tf is the snow? by Psychological-Bad937
These days it’s more common for it to be over 50 degrees in winter than for it to be cold enough to need more than a light jacket. I wish I were exaggerating.
SmartSherbet t1_j1mcela wrote
Reply to comment by helpforwidowsson in Where tf is the snow? by Psychological-Bad937
End of May? That’s absurd. Last year it was nearly 100 degrees before Memorial Day.
SmartSherbet t1_j1dwmik wrote
I told Petty that if he proceeded with anointing Batista as CM instead of conducting a real search, I would never vote for him for public office again. I intend to fulfill that commitment.
SmartSherbet t1_j19wpym wrote
Reply to comment by caniremainanonymous in Hey Alexa, thank my driver by caniremainanonymous
Yeah, I read the article too quickly and thought the $5 was added on to the customer's tab for the order. Glad to see that Amazon is providing the money.
SmartSherbet t1_j19vb1l wrote
Reply to Hey Alexa, thank my driver by caniremainanonymous
Or maybe Amazon could just pay its drivers a reasonable wage and not try to trick customers into doing it for them.
Before anyone jumps on me: drivers absolutely deserve gratitude and more money. But it should come from their bosses, not customers. Tipping culture makes it easy for extremely wealthy, profitable employers to shift the costs of labor onto customers who are already stretched thin. As a society, it would be better if we tipped less and paid higher wages instead.
EDIT: I read the article too quickly. Amazon, not the customer, pays the $5. Good for them. Tipping culture is still bad, though.
SmartSherbet t1_j0xiwqd wrote
Reply to comment by Notfromcorporate in Cool food stores in Worcester? by formeraide
Yeah that place is outrageously priced. Shop there if you like paying $6 for two potatoes. I want to support local/organic/etc but come on, be reasonable.
SmartSherbet t1_j0e4z46 wrote
Reply to comment by Seekay2022 in What happen to Taco Caliente on Chandler St. by Spicy_E
Redesigning our streets to make them safe would benefit everybody in the city, including small businesses.
SmartSherbet t1_j0e4vtd wrote
Reply to comment by premierplayer in What happen to Taco Caliente on Chandler St. by Spicy_E
You are thinking of Beto’s Tacos, since reopened as Main Tacos.
SmartSherbet t1_j0dyrlh wrote
Reply to comment by techorules in What’s with all the Worcester hate??? by [deleted]
I can see why my reply confused you. I think your premise, that people who moved here more recently are higher on Worcester than people who left long ago, may have some merit. But there are probably also quite a few people like me who are comparing today’s Worcester not to the Worcester of the 1990s, but to more functional similarly sized cities. Worcester does not come out looking good in those comparisons.
SmartSherbet t1_j0d675g wrote
Reply to comment by techorules in What’s with all the Worcester hate??? by [deleted]
Never said I hate it. There's a lot to like here - the surrounding countryside and landscape, the diversity, the proximity to a ton of cool stuff in New England. But the shortcomings in the areas I mentioned are pretty frustrating for a city of this size that claims to be going through a renaissance. There's a ton of potential in Worcester, but the people in power can't seem to get out of their own way.
SmartSherbet t1_j0d15wd wrote
Reply to comment by techorules in What’s with all the Worcester hate??? by [deleted]
On the contrary, I moved to Worcester within that time period. Since I have lived in cities with actually functioning social services, real bus systems, safe and usable bike and pedestrian infrastructure, and at least some degree of enforcement of traffic and parking laws, I find myself really frustrated with Worcester.
SmartSherbet t1_j0c2ame wrote
Reply to comment by Kirby_with_a_t in meirl by whitehusky00
You're not wrong, but going for a walk isn't the same if you have to first get in your car and drive to the place where walking is nice.
Every neighborhood in Worcester should be walkable. Every person in Worcester should be able to take a safe and relaxing walk from their front door.
SmartSherbet t1_iztisg3 wrote
Reply to comment by justinator5 in Coyotes, in Worcester? by D_is_for_Doomsayer
There is an ecological niche for a large canid predator in New England. With plenty of deer and other prey, wolves would do well here if we let them. Since we killed them all off, coyotes are gradually becoming more like wolves. Pretty cool evolutionary process playing out right before our eyes.
SmartSherbet t1_iztijte wrote
Reply to comment by NativeSon508 in Coyotes, in Worcester? by D_is_for_Doomsayer
Coyotes belong here and don't cause problems for anybody.
SmartSherbet t1_izbbwnp wrote
Reply to comment by ModernPhilistine in Sean Rose will not run for reelection in D1 by MassInsider
Anybody over Cipro.
SmartSherbet t1_izambsg wrote
Reply to verizon FIOS coming to Worcester by ozzgift
Plugged in my address (Worcester). "Home internet services are not currently available at your location."
SmartSherbet t1_izam2gv wrote
Reply to comment by teddygrahamdispenser in Sean Rose will not run for reelection in D1 by MassInsider
Gonna take a big effort to defeat him.
SmartSherbet t1_iz9w0er wrote
Reply to comment by squid1980 in Best buffalo wings? by squid1980
It is
SmartSherbet t1_iyd2i46 wrote
Reply to comment by jpm01609 in Comparison is the thief of joy by Puzzled-Owl-290
Don't you think discussing the city's problems on a site like this is part of the process of making change? People have to know others share their concerns before they'll invest time and energy into organizing.
SmartSherbet t1_iyd26le wrote
Reply to comment by Robespierrexvii in Comparison is the thief of joy by Puzzled-Owl-290
Yup. As another transplant, I can say there's plenty to like about Worcester, but we are also far behind the curve on tons of basic stuff, especially infrastructure. How a city can proclaim it's in a "renaissance" and is "up and coming" when it doesn't even provide usable sidewalks, prevent drivers from parking on the sidewalks that exist, bother to plow its ONE bike path in the winter time, or offer semi-reliable bus service is beyond me. As the previous poster said, much smaller cities in all other parts of the country have figured these things out, but Worcester just doesn't seem to care.
SmartSherbet t1_j3htngn wrote
Reply to comment by guybehindawall in Glazy Susan is closing permanently on 1/29 by BreadBot32
Avoid. Dunkin imitators. Not good - pretty much exactly like Dunkin (awful donuts, worse coffee).