Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb6qdxi wrote
Reply to comment by ceiffhikare in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
You have have no idea how limited school choice is in many areas of the state and if not for private and sometimes "religious" institutions families would be put in money harder positions for educating their children.
It's this lack of knowledge of how this state has sustained quality education up for ALL residents is why for the last 15 or so years the quality of education in the state has dropped so dramatically that the income tax isn't the only reason NH is chosen far more often than Vermont for new residents and remote workers.
You're a pot calling the kettle black when it comes to indoctrination by the tone of your commenting.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jazj7io wrote
Reply to comment by Dadfart802 in How busy was skiing? by nomadicbohunk
Then get off your phone and get to work.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jazj62s wrote
Reply to How busy was skiing? by nomadicbohunk
There isn't a room available between Rutland and Quechee.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_japv9j6 wrote
Why is it always out of state plates off the road in the median?
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_japuu2p wrote
Reply to comment by Glad-Palpitation292 in A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
Common sense as they say is no longer common.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jal5xgy wrote
I feel like that's route 14 between West Hartford and Sharon.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jakx402 wrote
Reply to comment by Dangerous_Mention_15 in A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
He was the 2nd person ever to be cancelled for his war cry. Paul Rubins was the first.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jakx0fg wrote
Reply to comment by Glad-Palpitation292 in A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
And it seems like "socially liberal" means you have the common sense of a Peter Pan type that never grew up.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jakwqby wrote
Reply to A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
It's because they saw Super Troopers when they were 17.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jab3iih wrote
Reply to Republicans in Vermont? by rolloofnormandy50
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8qu0vs wrote
Reply to comment by bigtimesauce in Moving to Vermont, thoughts on high schools ? by yell0wmaple09
Do elaborate if you, please. I know your acronym is more than eloquent enough for reddit, but call me old fashioned for asking for you to substantiate your argument if you must.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8qtiiv wrote
That kind of is nothing....It's frozen over but is textured so grip won't be an issue unless your tires are shit, and also it's a heating company in Northern NE. It's a requirement to make it to your customers no matter the condition if you wan to be competitive in this market.
Honestly, I don't get peoples fascination with posting a bad road or weather. If you've been here for any period of time you've been there and done that when it comes to roads like this. Save these posts for your facebook so your friends back home can see how you're ruffing it now Posting here it just looks needy for upvotes. Sorry if I offend, but oh well it's been a long day.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8l5kj3 wrote
Reply to comment by cpujockey in Instead of a minimum karma/account for posting, how about minimums for commenting? by RamaSchneider
A reddit mod is a reddit mod and I'm sure plenty would disagree with you. You have no argument therefor have no merit.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8ija3h wrote
Reply to Serious question for Vermonters by RamaSchneider
You don't have a voting option for "Rack a shell and ask your god for forgiveness".
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8g9voz wrote
Reply to comment by zombienutz1 in Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1
"I know you are, but what am I?"
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8g37pq wrote
Reply to comment by zombienutz1 in Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1
That's exaclty what a Karen would say.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8frrkg wrote
Reply to comment by anusty in Instead of a minimum karma/account for posting, how about minimums for commenting? by RamaSchneider
That involves Mods relinquishing their power and history has told us how well that go's when the ruling class is confronted.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8frfbl wrote
Reply to comment by Commercial_Case_7475 in Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1
Reddit is much more efficient for that.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8fr6xk wrote
Reply to comment by Taxedout12901 in Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1
I've seen people fly on planes after planes have crashed.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8fqult wrote
Reply to Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1
I'm sure your tone absolutely helps when bringing your message forwards...Is this vermonts sub or a subreddit for karens?
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8b3ive wrote
Reply to comment by Mmmmffffeeerrrr in Bernie Sanders Has a New Role. It Could Be His Final Act in Washington. by pyl_time
How so?
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8b3d5p wrote
Reply to Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
First time in Vermont?
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j86x3wc wrote
BFA St Albans
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j86wt5k wrote
Reply to comment by SemperFuu in Yeah, that's what they'll say, but watch what they do ... by RamaSchneider
You independents don't stand for anything and just like the liberals it's why you get know where with the core voting demographic of this country.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb6qngy wrote
Reply to Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
The cult of personality has arrived, and they don't like religious institutions. PERIOD.
This thread is just a list of reasons to homeschool.