Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbhnv3k wrote
Reply to comment by Jerry_Williams69 in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
If that's the way a simpleton like you can grasp the concept, then yes, they need to sweer the forest floor.
You have two choices. Logging and land management conservation working together or uncontrollable wildfires forever. Even the Natives new this 1,000 years ago. Then again, the natives didn't need to cause drought with pot and almond farms.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbd8isv wrote
Reply to comment by anusty in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
you commute then
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbd8fl8 wrote
Reply to comment by Jerry_Williams69 in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
That's less climate change and more the result of terrible and nonexistent management and droughts caused by pot and almond farm out that way.
We as humans are completely responsible for it, but it's not because of headlined reasons and the headlined solutions won't fix it.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbd85kg wrote
Reply to comment by anusty in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
We can stop pretending VT is an agricultural state anymore. There are not enough sheep to pose a threat anymore.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbd7qpl wrote
Reply to comment by anusty in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
There are plenty of places to live just not places that will allow you to live the lavish lifestyle on these wages but certainly it's a doable scenario. Nothing in this life is easy and the longer you wait for it to get easier the worse off your situation will get.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbd7gv1 wrote
Reply to comment by anusty in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
That literally makes no sense.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbcbwfm wrote
Reply to comment by vermont4runner in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
Maybe for part time and unskilled labor for employees or like a kid with their first job. No kitchen is paying min wage. No construction company either, or public works job, or jobs at hospitals, and many more. If you want to get paid 20 an hour for a job that doesn't require any skilled labor than your whacky and instead should better your position and perhaps trade skills or education.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbcbdok wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
Service, Medical, Sanitation, Hospitality, General labor. It all depends on your skill set and qualifications. Got a CDL? Cha-ching. Your limited understanding of the jobs available doesn't mean that they are not.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbc383p wrote
Reply to comment by anusty in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
This is wrong on so many levels. Just because you don't like the work that's here to be had doesn't mean that it isn't here and that you can't scratch out an existence consisting of anything other than toiling in misery if you aren't wealthy.
A reliable person is worth their weight in gold in all industries right now and those industries are paying right now.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbc2o3v wrote
Reply to comment by Parahble in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
If they can weild a mop, a knife or a stethoscope they're golden like Pony Boy.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbbsjha wrote
Reply to Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
Job diversity is scarce. Plenty of work to be had. Do you work in the medical field? You can get a job anywhere in the twin states if so.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jba9evk wrote
Reply to Best place to get a massage in VT/NH? by MatthewRTRCT
Stronghouse Spa in Quechee or The River Valley Club in Lebanon.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jba8o88 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
No one cares and it's not. Whoops.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb7n2ax wrote
Reply to comment by Loudergood in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
Bootlickers? Do elaborate on how you came to that assessment in your oh so eloquent and informative reply to my comment.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb7moet wrote
Reply to comment by random_vermonter in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
Only to the uninitiated members of a cohesive and accepting society would it sounds that way, but do explain how my stance would constitute that assessment.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb7mhay wrote
Reply to comment by jteedubs in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
It's actually a University and I'm not sure of the point you're trying to make, but it doesn't corollate with any of my statement. Would you care to clarify?
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb7m5bm wrote
Reply to comment by random_vermonter in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
Elaborate, please.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb7m0a3 wrote
Reply to comment by Loudergood in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
No, it's not. It's like you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Have you ever seen what it's like to hold a teacher responsible for wrongdoing with modern teacher's unions? Unacceptable behavior gets you the year off with full pay.
Climb down off the pedastle, sit down on a blanket under a tree, and actually think for yourself.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb725fz wrote
Reply to comment by halfbakedblake in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
I hate when people think that they can imply "subtext" to deflect from their stupid takes on things they don't understand when they're clickbaiting.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb71rka wrote
Reply to comment by ceiffhikare in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
The best part is you think only someone who is religious can think your ideas are stupid...Your next idea is just as dumb.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb71hub wrote
Reply to comment by ceiffhikare in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
I will go ahead and reaffirm my previous comment. Just to be clear.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb6rv0d wrote
Reply to comment by halfbakedblake in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
If you're not educated on the subject and have no worthwhile take or input on the subject why even share at all and if your point was to become more educated why be passive agressive in your reply to this users informative comment even though it contradicts the click bait narrative you were obviously going for here by sharing anything from that glorified tabloid thedigger. The name of the publication alone should make you angry with how similar is sounds to other words.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb6rh9a wrote
Reply to comment by balding_dad in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
There has already been a dramatic drop in education quality as we overload public school because new residence would rather give their children a half-assed education and a long commute at an overcrowded public school rather than sending them to a "religious institutions for indoctrination". Actual quote from this posts comment section.
I never knew anyone who went to MSJ and came out a religious fanatic.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jb6qz57 wrote
Reply to comment by djrstar in Rep. Scott Beck: Is this education alliance good for Vermont students? - VTDigger by halfbakedblake
If you think public schools are void of discimination you must of been homeschooled and even then I don't believe you.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jbhoeiw wrote
Reply to comment by friedmpa in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
They won't though, the old adage of more cows than people has long since died. Hartfor once had 30 heards and now its down to 1. Same with woodstock, Windsor, Hatland, Norwich, Sharon, Promfret, Strafford, Tumbridge.
Without getting too weepy I wish some of you could see the state the way it was even 30 years ago. People at like it'd a paradise now but they never saw it back then.