
t1_ivntbua wrote

I’m assuming you’re a guy. Thank you for actually understanding how absolutely ridiculous it is how women are treated when they come forward. The man rarely goes to jail, and if anything gets sympathy. Meanwhile the woman is blamed and left to have PTSD the rest of her life. All I ever see is men calling us feminazis for trying to change this. Or you get the whataboutism, like well what about men who are abused and laughed at? (As if that somehow negates the fact that women go through this at an astronomical rate and are also laughed at, even though the ones usually laughing ARE MEN) But anyway, we need more men like you who see this. Unless I’m wrong and you’re a woman, in which case, preach, sister. 🙄


t1_ir59b5x wrote

Yeah if you slide the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth you’re sliding it back. Then the suction causes the click and your tongue moves downward. Not sure what he meant by behind the teeth. That’s why I said I think I got it. It sounds like he described but the description is weird.