
Smirkly t1_j49282k wrote

I have a propane heater. Otherwise my electricity bill has just shot up to $180. Myself and two adult sons with electric hot water and a pump for our well water. Also we use a lot of lighting at night. Electric heat in New Hampshire is unaffordable. My folks tried it fifty years ago and they couldn't do it then. A wood stove, than a coal stove, and finally a propane heater which I'm still using.


Smirkly t1_j3a49sd wrote

Never mind dispensaries, Maine is flooding the grey market and prices keep coming down. I paid $60 for an eighth because I wanted to try Vermont weed. Holy shit, plus $13 taxes for an once price of $584.00. I get pissa weed from Maine and it is going under $200 an oz, no tax added. Even Massachusetts was cheaper than Bratteleboro Vermont.


Smirkly t1_j3a3gxz wrote

It wouldn't matter as the asshole executive council, gerrymandered as they are, let alone Chris Sununu, will guarantee the grey, formerly black, market thrives and children will have no problem buying pot or any other drug. Nice going hypocrites.


Smirkly t1_j2fco7k wrote

In Massachusetts, recently discharged from the USAF, I was pulled over by a state trooper for having a tail light out. I had been painting my mom's house in NH and still had my painting clothes on. License was in my other pants in the back seat and when I picked them up a brass pipe fell out. The bastard just had to arrest me and put me in jail (for about 2 hours). Six months later he was arrested for being part of a stolen car ring. Hey Anthony, fuck you.


Smirkly t1_j1ryek3 wrote

On the flip side, I am with two adult sons. I became quite ill and the next day one son had the same whatever. Nasty bug but I tested neg for covid. Not sharing that bong means good health?


Smirkly t1_j08uoce wrote

The view tax is an issue for me. I live on a hill and what was once a magnificent view has greatly decreased. Trees do grow and I go back 55 years. My mom lived here before me. I have been removing trees for many years now and it is about to have some impact on the view. What I learned in part is that they consider the view as a matter of degrees. A narrow view is a tunnel, then 10 to 30%, 30 to 60, etc. I have left some trees up and have removed quite a few which will not be noticed yet as you don't yet see this area from the house. i have been also concentrating on the area that is most open but have deepened it rather than widening it. Will it help? Damned if I know but I have a plan, a goal, and shortly the view will widen, my taxes will go up, maybe quite a bit, but hopefully not this time.


Smirkly t1_j04qcut wrote

I also received such a letter. Some years ago I did have a walk through when a person showed up. Next time I might ask or insist he make an appointment. Otherwise just do it. I was friendly and learned quite a bit which may save me some money this time around. They are only interested in a quick walk through.


Smirkly t1_izlmrjf wrote

I needed to see someone about eczema. I needed medicine NOW. Six months was their best. I went to a private guy and same thing but, i talked to the staff, said I'll come if there is a cancellation. Next day I was in. I'm old and not charming, but face to face is powerful.