
SnooPeripherals5969 t1_j1su7m5 wrote

It was 18 degrees out, she had just given birth prematurely with no medical support, likely mental health or addiction issues st play. and typically there is a fair amount of blood loss when giving birth. She was unable to give correct information on where the baby was to first responders.

It’s probable that she was scared, delirious , confused from blood loss and the trauma of labor, or suffering post partum symptoms. I’m pissed off at the system that failed this woman, not at her.


SnooPeripherals5969 t1_itpgc2l wrote

The charges are specific enough to imply the found something. “second-degree murder for recklessly causing the death of Harmony; falsifying physical evidence for altering, destroying, concealing or removing Harmony's body; abuse of a corpse for unlawfully removing, concealing or destroying Harmony's body; and tampering with witnesses or informants” They wouldn’t charge him with those things unless they had enough evidence to back it up and not cause a mistrial. I think they are just not releasing the full details until the trial.