
SolitaryMarmot t1_iw11np8 wrote

Yeah I have. They took pictures of the physical injury and issued an Order or Protection at arraignment which was extended at their first court appearance. You can't file for an order of protection on someone else's behalf. But if you have a physical injury, NYPD must arrest the abuser. And you will have a protection order the next day.


SolitaryMarmot t1_ivd6snf wrote

The city needs to do what they did on 8th and 9th Avenues pretty much everywhere. They should expand all the bike lanes to two lanes in each direction and add about 10 extra feet to all the crosswalks. Mopeds don't belong on wide fast streets with cars but they shouldn't be weaving in and out of bikes either. With the sheer volume of micromobility vehicles out there combined with overcapacity for cars about 90% of the time - the road design is truly unbalanced. Particularly on my evening commute home there are more bikes/ebikes/scooters/mopeds waiting at a given light than cars.


SolitaryMarmot t1_iv1kxlg wrote

There are more deaths on evehicles because there are more evechicles. There is zero evidence it's due to their 'disregard for the law.' Condering there have been more pedestrian fatalities through Oct this year than in 2017 and 2018 and a massive increase in hit and run fatalities...evidence points to drivers disregarding the law at higher rates since the number of drivers is up to prepandemic levels.


SolitaryMarmot t1_iv11h5q wrote

This. The vast majority of even conservative and orthodox Jews place huge value on education and it's role in the success of their children. I have many friends who grew up orthodox and many went to private and even Catholic schools if they were the best in the area.

Non-secular education is specific to certain branches of Hasidism and Haredi Judiasm. It's objectively terrible and gives no kids no choice about their role in the community later in life as they end up extremely dependent.


SolitaryMarmot t1_iud8lz4 wrote

Wow. Addiction is a medical problem with a protocol of treatment. It's not a personality flaw. The national litigation against Purdue and the Sackler family laid bare how far some drug dealers are willing to go to get rich. And yes addiction hurts others. They hurt children. They impact local school and health care systems. It's actually tragic and we need to so a much better job treating people and caring for the people affected long term.

There's plenty of work on addiction that explains that. A story about a designer dog that shouldn't exist anyway stepping on a needle is so mind numbingly stupid. And it's an in your face reminder that rich, white transplants care less about the people who have the least health care resources to fix a problem that was directly targeted on them....then their stupid labradoodle.