
SomeConstructionGuy t1_irb78fw wrote

My mistake, I read test as taste!

But you’re still missing the point. The real issue is that one dude went a town adopted policy. He then controlled the flow of info and flat out lied to cover up what he was doing.

I’m not convinced fluoride is necessary or even overall beneficial, but Kendal chamberlain need to be fired. Anything short of termination is unacceptable and sets the wrong precedent for other town employees to follow.


SomeConstructionGuy t1_ir5d9cm wrote

It just rattles and beats the hell out of it. Depending on the plow it’s 900lbs hung 4-5’ in-front of the front axle. And when you’re plowing and the edge catches something the plow will trip, but it still shakes the hell out of the whole truck. I’d guess I put more wear and tear on my truck in the 20-30 hours of plowing I do a winter than the 40k miles I drive. Plow trucks just take an absolute beating.