SomeConstructionGuy t1_j14ir17 wrote
Reply to How to prepare for the coming weather? by travelbug1984
Holy shit people ARE becoming less self sufficient.
If it happens call a contractor and get it fixed. Having a branch come through the roof isn’t the same as taking a direct hit from a tornado. It can probably be watertight within one day.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_j03m2l3 wrote
Reply to How much did it cost you to run power to your build per foot/yard? Green Mountain Power by Elegant_Schedule1566
The total cost depends on so many things. Call gmp and get an estimate.
If there is a pole on your property or at road bury conduit for primaries yourself and locate the transformer 300’ out from the house. Biggest expense will be conduit but it’ll be comparable to paying gmp for overhead. Rent a mini and put the conduit 40” down and you’re good.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_izcb1ib wrote
Reply to comment by TheMohawk in Scott resurrects voluntary paid family leave plan by Dr_JackMeoff
A rough C-section recovery is more than 6 weeks. Average is 6 weeks.
With this proposal we’re basically saying take the minimal time you need to be able to work again. What about being with your newborn and not having your life destroyed by the stress and transition on top of postpartum.
If we give a shit about families at all 6 weeks is a joke.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_izbtw6u wrote
This is bullshit.
As an employer and employee and parent… just make it mandatory. If we solved this and child care we’d get so many young families to stay in the state. This would be a massive amount of stress taken away from young families.
I’d gladly pay into this so some one else can take time to be with their sick kids without missing a rent payment.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_izbt51g wrote
Reply to comment by SwamBeansWife in Scott resurrects voluntary paid family leave plan by Dr_JackMeoff
You’re not missing anything. Those who need it the most won’t get it.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iycywvk wrote
Reply to comment by swarm32 in Where can I find 110 octane fuel? by BenBcRazy
Common avgas is 100ll. It is a poor choice for most performance applications. It’s better than detonation or pump fuel but gives up a lot compared to an application specific performance fuel.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iycxrrp wrote
Reply to Where can I find 110 octane fuel? by BenBcRazy
What specific fuel are you looking for? Leaded? Oxygenated? What displacement and rpm range?
110 doesn’t narrow it down much….
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iy6hx8f wrote
Reply to Einstein's multi-class lawsuit by GlitteringStudy5031
Why’d you delete the posts?
SomeConstructionGuy t1_ix1b4bi wrote
Reply to comment by Outrageous-Outside61 in My New Favorite Past Time: Hyping up Dad When he Shoots a Deer by KaleChipp11
Oh for sure.
Funny part is when I commented the post and every comment was downvoted to shit.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iwwzlsc wrote
Jus to clarify… s/
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iwkye68 wrote
Reply to comment by Nutmegdog1959 in I'm looking for someone who Studs tires near Burlington area? by [deleted]
This guy gets it. Studding isn’t profitable, selling tires is. Distributors stud tires so they can sell more tires. If you don’t buy the tires from them why the heck would they stud them?
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iwky4c2 wrote
Very very few installers actually stud the tires. They order tires from the local distributor which will stud as needed locally. Problem is those warehouses won’t sell to consumers. So you’re asking a shop to ask their supplier for a favor. And you’re asking them to transport a set of tires they didn’t make markup on two ways for nothing.
You saved money buying online because someone forfeited markup. The trade off is now you don’t get the service that markup pays for.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_ivt8da1 wrote
Figuring out why the f my plow won’t raise again. Every damn year I hook it up and something’s broken.
Maybe I should try it this weekend before it snows.
Nah I’ll wait until it snows…
SomeConstructionGuy t1_ivqjf9m wrote
Reply to Vermont becomes first state to enshrine abortion rights within constitution? by I-am-that-Someone
Homie where you from?
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iuet1uv wrote
Reply to comment by Walnut2001 in Can't unsee (explained in comments) by FyuckerFjord
You Just ruined boobs for me.
Also, fuck Malloy
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iuepper wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
How’d it feel pissing in the wind on this cold morning? You even clear your zipper?
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iu9ss8r wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Reference_9222 in VT reporters : don't just repeat UVM admin press releases. Ask questions, like what will they cut to cover this? Will it comes from admin or teaching and student services? by RandolphCarter15
Most but not all. VT Digger does some top notch journalism.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iu2hg4d wrote
Reply to comment by Footie57 in Collins Aerospace in Vergennes by Footie57
Any licensure or just labor? If you have anything at all I’d run with it. If you just labored I’d still consider going that route. Everyone’s hiring.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_iu1el4r wrote
Reply to Collins Aerospace in Vergennes by Footie57
When you say you were an electrician what does that mean? Apprentice? Journeyman?
SomeConstructionGuy t1_it2rerp wrote
Reply to comment by Sensitive_Leather762 in Question about Rutland & a house by Sensitive_Leather762
Gotta do something at break time. But I wouldn’t call it trolling since I live here and do professionally what you’re asking Reddit about…
SomeConstructionGuy t1_it2r3jr wrote
Reply to comment by Sensitive_Leather762 in Question about Rutland & a house by Sensitive_Leather762
I bought my first house at auction at 25 also. I didn’t ask strangers to research the history of the house for me, that’s what the town offices and an attorney are for.
We’re only jerks to people who want expertise for free….
SomeConstructionGuy t1_it2aga3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Question about Rutland & a house by Sensitive_Leather762
Lol good luck
SomeConstructionGuy t1_it2actd wrote
Reply to comment by Sensitive_Leather762 in Question about Rutland & a house by Sensitive_Leather762
They we’re. But you’re a lazy wannabe real estate investor.
If you’re so local why don’t you head over there and check it out? If you’re an actual investor why do you have absolutely no idea how to find this info? Because you’re not local, you’re lazy and you don’t know what you’re doing.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_it08qdi wrote
This is all easily available info if you know where to look and your even somewhat local. You obviously don’t know where to look and aren’t local.
Don’t come here and ask us to do your homework for an investment property.
SomeConstructionGuy t1_j14ljh9 wrote
Reply to comment by travelbug1984 in How to prepare for the coming weather? by travelbug1984
Based on your posts I’d say the latter.
But hey you didn’t even state that as an option. You seem more ready to bail on the structure for the rest of the winter and flee the country.
Toss a tarp on it and call someone to deal with it.