
Somerandomdickhead t1_j0tqozk wrote

Did streaming ever really have a “golden age”?

I mean when it was just a couple of choices it was great to have a convenient place to watch older stuff that was no longer on TV mixed with some originals. But it wasn’t some magical time that’s remembered fondly by everyone who lived it is it?


Somerandomdickhead t1_is8nu78 wrote

> Ian Katz, Channel 4’s director of programming, confirmed that if the studio audience chose to save the painting by Hitler it would not hang in the Channel 4 boardroom but would be “appropriately” disposed of.

So no matter what the audience chooses they’re going to destroy it anyway. Sounds like they just want to destroy art they deem inappropriate.

And just for the fact I need to mention it. This is not me being pro-Hitler or Rolf Harris or any other fuckwit artist. It’s me me being anti-Jimmy Carr Destroys Art, it’s a dumb idea for a show.
