Sometimes_Stutters t1_ja7udml wrote
Reply to comment by nojala in My breakfast looked rather racist this morning by nojala
I visited Stockholm and Copenhagen (yes, I know that’s not Sweden) a couple years ago and I absolutely loved breakfast there! Meat and cheese bread (Smorrebrod)
Sometimes_Stutters t1_ja7fds8 wrote
Reply to comment by twelveparsnips in eli5 perpetual motion is impossible but why haven't we made something that just goes on for a really long time that we then service so it can keep going? by FrozenKyrie
Actually I’ve worked on a system similar to this. It’s a flywheel generator. Magnetic bearings, vacuum enclosure, 6ft diameter steel fly wheel. You spin it up really really fast, and it spins for years. There is some very slight energy input to counteract any loses, but it’s very minimal. But when you need power the fly wheel could power a house for a couple days (with the right inverter). Totally impractical but a cool prototype not work on.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_ja3sp8g wrote
Reply to Detroit Red Wing Gordie Howe checking Toronto Maple Leaf's Gordie Hannigan in 1956 playoffs. by 1900grs
There’s something about the picture that looks fake, and I can’t put my finger on it.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9zvl20 wrote
Reply to TIL about the only double barrel cannon in the world. When it was its first tested during the American Civil War, the chain snapped immediately and one ball tore into a nearby cabin, knocking down its chimney; the other spun off erratically and struck a nearby cow, killing it instantly. by ExpertPreference8481
I’d be much more concerned if a cannonball killed a cow very slowly and deliberately. So this test seemed like a success.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9y2vk2 wrote
Reply to comment by fh3131 in ELI5: Why is unhealthy food delicious? by TheFek
Also, foods with high amounts of sugar, salt, and fat aren’t “unhealthy”. We need all the to live. It’s more to do with the quantity.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9wl0u8 wrote
Reply to comment by norbertus in The Job Market Apocalypse: We Must Democratize AI Now! by Otarih
No no no. You just don’t understand. All we have to do is DEMOCRATIZE artificial intelligence. It’s that simple. What? Are you against democracy?
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9vx3ki wrote
Reply to comment by rustytiger in LPT Request - How to prepare for a winter Power outage by heretolearnlady
Piggybacking here. Depending on your heating energy source you need to size your generator properly. I have natural gas heating so I need enough to power the furnace blower, 1 fridge, 1 freezer, and probably a couple lights. I live in the upper Midwest so I also have wood stove ready to fire up whenever and a good cache of firewood.
Finally, again, depending on your water source, you will need to factor that in (public works vs rural well). If you have public works and your house starts getting cold make sure you leave a couple faucets trickling. If you have a rural well you need to know how to drain your lines. It’s not hard but you don’t want to learn on the fly.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9rn8lk wrote
$5 plastic window kit will get you through long enough to save money to buy a new window. Also, that looks like a single-pane so it sucks already and you should have a window kit regardless.
Also also, with a single pane a crack really won’t meaningfully change the insulation properties, so you probably have another issue you need to resolve for why you room is cold.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9pwufh wrote
Look like I’m moving to East Palestine
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9pjik2 wrote
Reply to Small Crack on Toilet by Doop132
Gotta replace it. Easy DIY project. If your in a money bind used toilets are very cheap (or altogether free)
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9ess4k wrote
Tiger is the most compelling player on this planet and will be as long as he’s playing. Nobody cares if tiger ever wins again. If he puts up a good score on a Saturday and is within striking distance for Sunday the entire golf world stops to watch.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9d6w2p wrote
Reply to How do I find these g-d studs?? by WaterChestnutII
Check for nail holes in the baseboard, especially if the nails holes are higher that about 1.5”.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8psv4i wrote
Reply to India, soon world's most populous nation, doesn't know how many people it has by Icewear_Daddy
Find out how many piano tuners are in India, and you’ll probably be able to get a good estimate on the total population.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8oohbx wrote
Reply to comment by notso5ecret4gent in [Homemade] Reverse seared filet, roasted broccoli, & Pappardelle With gorgonzola cream sauce by thedirtsquirrel
I should also clarify the oven part. I just turn the oven on to the lowest setting, let it get pretty warm, and turn it off.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8omb1e wrote
Reply to comment by notso5ecret4gent in [Homemade] Reverse seared filet, roasted broccoli, & Pappardelle With gorgonzola cream sauce by thedirtsquirrel
Cut doesn’t really matter as long as it’s at least 1” thick.
I dry off my steak and leave it in my fridge uncovered for a day or two. Then I salt and pepper it generously and let it sit out for a couple hours to get to room them.
I have a propane deep-fry setup that I put a cast iron on pan over. I get the setup screaming hot and seat for about a minute or so on each side. Then I let it rest in the oven set to 180* for about 15-20 mins before I eat.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8nzsp1 wrote
Reply to comment by CBreezer in [Homemade] Reverse seared filet, roasted broccoli, & Pappardelle With gorgonzola cream sauce by thedirtsquirrel
Pittsburg Blue is my favorite way to cook steak
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8my4g4 wrote
Reply to comment by SpankMyButt in Police seek motive in Michigan State shooting; sports on hold. by PrincessBananas85
Saying “nobody gets guns” is a lot different than saying “don’t allow certain people to have guns”
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8mopa2 wrote
Reply to comment by SpankMyButt in Police seek motive in Michigan State shooting; sports on hold. by PrincessBananas85
Easy to say, but in practice it’s an extremely difficult and complicated task to decide which individuals are not allowed to buy guns.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8mnyr3 wrote
Reply to Obligated Asian Rice Cooker by ArmorXIII
How did you manage to save the foam packing insert for so long??
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8jrd6k wrote
You can see very similar structures in the upper Midwest. The only difference is that it’s only only next to roads in spring, and instead of rock it’s pillars of ice with dead animals on top.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j7ijfce wrote
Reply to comment by ed_in_Edmonton in Remove the fireplace ? DIY job or not ? by ed_in_Edmonton
Yeah I’d tell my wife to “get over it” lol. That’s a considerable project.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j6zew6k wrote
Reply to My 1894 J. Stevens A&T that still works but is useless because .32 rimfire ammo hasn’t been made since the 70s. by ShitPostGuy
Try this guy. Met him once, and he does a lot of custom and hard to find ammo.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j66wtxk wrote
Reply to comment by maxwellgriffith in Fresh from Norway, my custom Ekornes Stressless chair by Gerbski
I don’t, but it sitting in our firewood shack
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j654yle wrote
Kinda related story;
My grandpa passed about 5 years ago. Avid deer hunter, but he didn’t hunt his last 10 years. His deer stand sat abandoned the whole time and slowly rotted. Finally about 2 years ago the wind knocked it over. I discovered this a few months after it happened and was picking through the mess. I found the mangled remnants of an authentic Herman Miller lounge chair from the 1960’s. I mentioned it to my dad and showed him a picture of what the chair was supposed to look like. He said that chair was in there house as a kid, got moved to his shop in the 80’s, and finally ended up in his deer stand.
Looking around quick online this chair are worth up to $10k+. I couldn’t believe it.
Sometimes_Stutters t1_ja7uugp wrote
Reply to Sky near East Palestine, OH this morning by MoonStar31
That looks like a normal sky