
Sometimes_Stutters t1_ja7fds8 wrote

Actually I’ve worked on a system similar to this. It’s a flywheel generator. Magnetic bearings, vacuum enclosure, 6ft diameter steel fly wheel. You spin it up really really fast, and it spins for years. There is some very slight energy input to counteract any loses, but it’s very minimal. But when you need power the fly wheel could power a house for a couple days (with the right inverter). Totally impractical but a cool prototype not work on.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9vx3ki wrote

Piggybacking here. Depending on your heating energy source you need to size your generator properly. I have natural gas heating so I need enough to power the furnace blower, 1 fridge, 1 freezer, and probably a couple lights. I live in the upper Midwest so I also have wood stove ready to fire up whenever and a good cache of firewood.

Finally, again, depending on your water source, you will need to factor that in (public works vs rural well). If you have public works and your house starts getting cold make sure you leave a couple faucets trickling. If you have a rural well you need to know how to drain your lines. It’s not hard but you don’t want to learn on the fly.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j9rn8lk wrote

$5 plastic window kit will get you through long enough to save money to buy a new window. Also, that looks like a single-pane so it sucks already and you should have a window kit regardless.

Also also, with a single pane a crack really won’t meaningfully change the insulation properties, so you probably have another issue you need to resolve for why you room is cold.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8omb1e wrote

Cut doesn’t really matter as long as it’s at least 1” thick.

I dry off my steak and leave it in my fridge uncovered for a day or two. Then I salt and pepper it generously and let it sit out for a couple hours to get to room them.

I have a propane deep-fry setup that I put a cast iron on pan over. I get the setup screaming hot and seat for about a minute or so on each side. Then I let it rest in the oven set to 180* for about 15-20 mins before I eat.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j654yle wrote

Kinda related story;

My grandpa passed about 5 years ago. Avid deer hunter, but he didn’t hunt his last 10 years. His deer stand sat abandoned the whole time and slowly rotted. Finally about 2 years ago the wind knocked it over. I discovered this a few months after it happened and was picking through the mess. I found the mangled remnants of an authentic Herman Miller lounge chair from the 1960’s. I mentioned it to my dad and showed him a picture of what the chair was supposed to look like. He said that chair was in there house as a kid, got moved to his shop in the 80’s, and finally ended up in his deer stand.

Looking around quick online this chair are worth up to $10k+. I couldn’t believe it.