SousvidesourD t1_j23nc23 wrote
Reply to comment by RoytripwireMerritt in [Image] Curiosity Is Essential for the Future by john1108hr
Its more like if you go into every movie worried about how terrible its going to be you’re going to have a shitty time on the way to the theater, just relax and stop taking things so seriously.
Life sucks until about 40 and then things level out as the older generation realizes they are no longer the ones running the show, i see my 70 year old parents finally coming to the realization that their opinions wont matter soon and they’ve shifted their focus on making the most if the time they have left.
Its not the destination its the ride.
SousvidesourD t1_j23nmev wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Bumb in [Image] Curiosity Is Essential for the Future by john1108hr
Make a 5 year and 10 year plan, it saved my life knowing I had something to work towards, its in our dna to better our own lives, I think the younger generation being forced to live with their parents has hamstrung their emotional development stealing any sense of perceived control over their lives.